By Someone here
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
words like "pov" .. "You" .. "Me" are just for communication purposes to deliver the idea. Don't get too hung up on them lol.
Once again to my favorite topic lol. The solpisism syndrome :
Am I all alone? Other people are real independent agencies or dream characters in my world? If I don't have access to anything other than my pov.. How can I be sure others are real?
Well here is the final answer.
Your pov is absolute truth. Please notice this. You don't know anything else. and whatever you come to know must be inside your pov. So is my pov. My pov is also absolute truth . How can we have two absolute truths? It's not two ... notice my pov is within your pov and your pov is within my pov. So they are actually one. I exist inside you(your pov) and you exist inside me (my pov) and me exists inside you and repeat and repeat.... So we both are groundless.. For you to exist for me, I must experience you.. And for me to exist for you, you must experience me .. So ultimately none of us are real only to the extent of experiencing each others.
=me and you the same thing. Get this? Lol.
Another way to put it.... I am nothing but your pov. And you are nothing but my pov. So ultimately none of us are "there" by themselves. We are dreaming each others up. Make sure you get this. This is good for a mindfuck.
Everything that can exist for you must be perceived and considered by you. Look and see. Anything literally anything is but an appearance in your pov. So even when you are talking to me you are talking to an image in your mind. If you say "no lol I'm talking to a real person with awareness" .. Then you are talking to this idea that you've constructed. You've constructed what I am and then you are talking to your construction. The actuality is I'm just an an image in your world right now. You are becoming the image right now as you are looking at the text. So yes you are always ever talking with yourself. And ofcourse I'm saying this to myself. It's not a zen deception per say. I have nothing else to do but interact with myself.
Hope this ends the solipsism confusion for good. If you have any questions go ahead.