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Terell Kirby

A Deeper Dive Into Solipsism

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Solipsism. I was unfamiliar with this philosophical idea until it was made mention in Leo's recent YouTube pose, 'Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God'.

I for one thought the video was great, it tied up a ton of loose ends and paradoxes I had while deeply contemplating the notion of Self and Truth. An idea I have been struggling with, however, is the existence or lack thereof of external perspectives/present experiences outside of my own.

I believe for those of us who are deeply serious about this work, and on the brink to realizing these insights deeply, we'll need a deeper dive into Solipsism, and it's limitations (if any).

Are there many realities and/or present experiences happening simultaneously in God's mind, or is my own personal (present) experience all there is? I find the former to be a limit enforced on consciousness (and for good reason I would think), I find the latter truly universal, infinite and quite honestly...scary.

If you guys can like or comment to share your insights that would be wonderful. Keep on actualizing!


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