Guest SirVladimir

Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God - Leo's Latest Video (Post Your Results)

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1 minute ago, Rilles said:

This is the first video where I actual feel I could grasp 0.001% of what he means. More of these guided ones would be nice actually.

A massive breakthrough psychedelic trip that “opens you up” and leaves you open will do more than any video he puts out. I would advise against this rout though unless if you are in a really grounded and healthy place in life.

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10 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I’m honestly getting tired of these you are god videos. It’s been repeated so much that at this point he’s beating a dead fish. I’ve had my upside down life transforming awakening and glimpsed this and continue to receive mystical insights and raising consciousness without really doing anything, just living my life. Gonna grow old waiting for more practical stuff and political videos like you promised Leo.


7 minutes ago, Rilles said:

This is the first video where I actual feel I could grasp 0.001% of what he means. More of these guided ones would be nice actually.

yea this was a nice exercise to become very present imo, if you don't like the word "god" you could just replace it with "universe" etc.

i also don't need to hear the "you are god" all the time, maybe after this exercise we can sort of be done with it

 personally not a huge fan of the political stuff though but some practical things would be nice.

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5 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

A massive breakthrough psychedelic trip that “opens you up” and leaves you open will do more than any video he puts out. I would advise against this rout though unless if you are in a really grounded and healthy place in life.

Which route would you advise against? Psychedelic one?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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that realized understanding this here

take each 1st letter

end his story enter my stery


Edited by gettoefl

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Nope, I will not give you clarity. You must awaken to what "other" is. No amount of explanation will suffice.

Yeah, you're missing consciousness of what "other" is, and what you are.

All your ideas about awakening and God are wrong. Throw them away. They will always be wrong no matter how hard you try to make them right.

The most advanced things I talk about occur at super-human levels of consciousness which are completely beyond anything you've ever experienced or could imagine is possible to experience.

@Leo Gura Thank you for the feedback. You can't give me clarity but somehow you did because I think I get it now. The purpose of the exercise is to remove all mental models that keep us from being fully aware. This includes anything we believe or take for granted about other people. My question reveals that I got stuck in the mental models. 

Edited by Peterc123

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Not knowing is the nothingness, knowing is the something,  and the something is imaginary.  After all, colors, shapes and the bubble are things, they are imaginary they can’t be God. This is obvious. 

The video is just a psychedelic ego trip, life is about living life correctly (with no fear/desire), and this is the end of the spirituality journey. 

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8 hours ago, Rilles said:

Which route would you advise against? Psychedelic one?

Yeah I can't say I'm for or against it. It's a very personal decision which you should use your own personal judgment and research for. 

Edited by Lyubov

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If you guys liked this you should go back to Leo's original enlightenment videos where he has some really good guided exercises for self inquiry.      Throw away the notion of them being old its some of his best stuff.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I think I just died.

Man, being a seeker is a tough life. All these fu**ed up experiences.. I want them to end.

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1 hour ago, Blackhawk said:

Man, being a seeker is a tough life.

Good thing you aren't that.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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I don’t know how else to put this, but this video has led to an awakening. Since I started reading about people’s DMT experiences a couple of years ago I somehow innately knew the truth, even though I’d never done psychedelics or meditated seriously. However I was not ready for this revelation at the time -  I have had mental health issues for much of my life, and my reaction was one of great panic and wishing I’d known nothing about any of it. I managed to gradually fall back into my ego after I stopped viewing spiritual content, and hadn’t thought too much of the matter again. 

However, today this video appeared in my recommended and I couldn’t pull myself away from clicking on it and viewing the whole thing. I now find myself in a similar situation after having watched this video; the awakening which may have been partial before now feels completely profound. In some ways it is beautiful, however I must admit that at this stage of my life I am not in a fit state of mind to deal with this knowledge, and am willing to say that I would rather live with the wool pulled over my eyes for a while longer. Will this stay with me forever now or is it possible that I can return to my ego? I have had incredibly vivid dreams most nights of my life, which may be an indicator of my susceptibility to being awakened even without intending to be. I also experienced an alcohol induced psychosis earlier this year, during which I believe my suppressed intuitive knowing of consciousness came to the fore and faced active resistance in the form of my ego. It’s only after the experience of watching this video that I’ve been able to draw that connection, however I fear that I now cannot go back. Can anyone help?



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@bilbomi Amazing! I get the feeling that your ego is still alive and that you will go back to normal unless you choose to go further. So don't worry. If the ego/I-thought were completely gone then you would probably not think about wanting to go back, and you wouldn't identify with the mind or the body, you would be in a state of not knowing and everything just is and feel that it's perfect.

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@Seraphim This makes sense. I can feel the battle taking place now, the ego is refusing to die. However I feel as though this video has been a culmination of my experiences and intuitions thus far, to the point where I am able to know deep down that there is no “I”. Does the fact “I” recognise this mean that the ego is dead or dying (although I suppose the question in itself is a defence mechanism of the ego)? Can it truly come back once a certain level of consciousness is reached? Will the allure of the ego outweigh the impact of truth, or will I be aware of the truth forever now?

I feel lost (or, the ego does) and don’t know how to continue living my “human” life in the face of this, which is why the ego is fighting so hard. The implications for my relationships with “family and friends” are painful, hence the ego seeks to return. This explains bad reactions I have experienced with weed brownies in the past, as well as the alcohol induced psychosis of several months ago.Yet I wonder whether Pandora’s box has been opened with this video, and whether the awareness will remain. Although there is at this moment an awareness, I admit (or my ego does) that not knowing was a comfort, having my human identity and my relationships was a comfort, and this knowledge feels too advanced at the moment.

I have awoken, the question is can I fall asleep again?

Edited by bilbomi

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@bilbomi The awakenings always give you some permanent effect, like a shift in the sense of self, a sense of being the universe or love or something. But you get used to those changes, so unless you have eradicated the ego-I-thought permanently, it's not gonna be that big, you can easily go back to feeling normal, and if it really is gone then things will feel very grounded and normal and perfect. Losing the sense of being the false I can happen in stages, I thought it was gone after an awakening, but it was nothing like the final eradication :) 

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When you are scared is your ego. The ego generates the fear because it knows that is going to die, but it makes you believe that is for another reason, is very very sneaky.

I can separate now thanks to Leo video from the fear and I continue experiencing the fear but I know it's not my fear, it's my character that is fearing death. Let's see where this leads me ... Lol..



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Seraphim Ok thanks, that’s a relief. So, the understanding may reside permanently deep-down but I should be able to feel like some sort of “me” again with time, am I interpreting your message correctly? I’m also curious, does it make sense to you that I would want to return? I know that as you’ve reached an advanced stage, you see that we are both one and you have love towards me and all others. So, from your perspective does a desire to “forget” what I have learned make any sense at all? I feel as though this may seem counterproductive to you, since it must seem unthinkable to imagine yourself identifying with the “I” at this point.

I must explain that I am reacting this way seeing as I didn’t seek this understanding out, I clicked on a video out of curiosity and the effect simply happened. It now feels like things don’t “matter” in the sense that I’d imagined, and that’s quite a scary revelation. Of course, I always had a suspicion that nothing mattered (what does that even mean anyway? You can probably tell I was feeling existential even before this experience), but confirmation feels rather different to suspicion. 

Practically speaking, to achieve this forgetting should I start doing normal life things to “distract” myself? Should I start by not reading any more information about awakening? I’ve been stuck in bed in something of a trance for most of the last day since having this experience, and can’t stop thinking about and researching all aspects relating to it. Is it likely that just getting up and going about the day will help me feel more “normal” (I.e. bring the ego-self back over time)? Is it possible to keep such thoughts from the forefront of your mind and maintain relationships with people on the “human” level once you have gone through this change? I loved a lot of people in my life and wasn’t ready to find out that they are not even really separate from me - I’m struggling with that. I would rather reverse the change and perceive the duality of my relationships again if such a thing is possible.

Sorry for all the questions, I really appreciate you guiding me through this.

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@abrakamowse You are right, of course. My ego still wants to blue pill itself though! I’ve had these realisations to a lesser extent in the past and managed to bury them. It’s all out again now though.. my life is a lie! It was a nice lie though, I want the lie back and I will face the consequences later. Haha

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@bilbomi Yes you should be able to feel like you again, like before basically. And no it doesn't seem weird that you want to experience duality again, we should look for non-duality when we are ready. The humans decide for themselves what matters, your body is still itself, it will decide what matters for it, maybe it will still feel that friends, family, health and freedom matters a lot! And it is still different from other humans, it can still interact with them like before, it's like before that if you are with other people then you are not alone in my opinion so don't worry about ideas and concepts like that, no concept or idea is real because everything just is :)


Edited by Seraphim

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On 12/2/2020 at 4:33 PM, Fadl said:

Not knowing is the nothingness, knowing is the something,  and the something is imaginary.  After all, colors, shapes and the bubble are things, they are imaginary they can’t be God. This is obvious. 

The video is just a psychedelic ego trip, life is about living life correctly (with no fear/desire), and this is the end of the spirituality journey. 

Beautiful ??. 



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12 hours ago, bilbomi said:

@abrakamowse You are right, of course. My ego still wants to blue pill itself though! I’ve had these realisations to a lesser extent in the past and managed to bury them. It’s all out again now though.. my life is a lie! It was a nice lie though, I want the lie back and I will face the consequences later. Haha

I still have fear about that... the ego has fear... in fact, it's terrified... hehehe... but I just let it go.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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