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How To Make The Kiss Happen

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I feel like I'm pretty good with women. I can get girls attracted fairly easily and have no problem talking to them. However the hardest part of dating for me is building up the tension for the kiss and making it happen. How do you guys create a moment where you can kiss the girl without it coming out of nowhere? And how do you make the interaction go towards kissing? Also other kissing tips would be helpful :) 

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I'm as virgin as olive oil, haven't even kissed someone. BUT give this a try: "Can I kiss you?"

you could go more in detail. Write a poem expressing what you want to do. Cheesy as fuck, I know, but authentically express your desire.

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What I would do is I would make some kind of physical attraction, so you touch her, you hug her. But make sure that nothing is really forced... And when she feels comfortable with you and you have the feeling when you look at her, she only has her eyes on you and the eye contact is there. 

Read books about that topic, it does really help because women give some kinds of hints towards the kiss. One of the things a girl did to me was I talked to her for like an hour and she only had her eyes on me so I basically knew, it's possible... And then she gave me a big hint, she said let's go outside. So you are alone with her, control the situation lead the situation, hug her en then eventually kiss her.

If she gave you some kind of hint towards the date, then you basically know, that she wants you, so you obviously know it's not friendship. I would take her somewhere where you see she is really attracted to you. 

One of the things that are also possible is at a party, you dance close with her and then suddenly you kiss her. For me that's quite hard, but I learned it... I basically kissed 2 women at a party once without even saying a word, just by dancing. So it's possible, sometimes you need to think about what would happen if you not kiss her. Maybe if you never kiss her, she will think you have no balls and you are a friend to her.

But don't think that you have to kiss every girl that you date, sometimes you feel that you're not that attracted to her, then I would not recommend doing that. I did that too many times, just for fun. 


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