
Mike Tyson

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This man has come so far it nearly brought a tear to my eye. Materialists questions very conscious answers. I can see that the ordinary mundane world thinks he’s off his rocker. From social media and that. They just don’t understand where he’s coming from. But mike is aware, his answers are fantastic. To think what he was, where he’s been and what he’s gone through, in the public eye too, this man is going places. Yep of course I know he’s not an awakened guy, but he is genuinely awakening as a human being. The beauty of consciousness shows in this interview. It shows that no matter what you’ve been through, the ultimate nature of everything is love. And Tyson projects it. Fantastic


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I’m really impressed with Tyson. He looked fit and was moving well with skills. And good cardio as well. He took it seriously and came to fight. He looked awesome for a 54 yr old fighter.

I think Tyson clearly outperformed Jones. Tyson had way more strikes, controlled the fight and Jones kept clinching. Perhaps they called it a draw because it was two legends in an exhibition match.

And Tyson smoked some weed before the fight ? 

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Don't know if you guy's watched the whole card, but this moment at 0:59 caught my spiritual ear. 

Looks like we have another Connor Murphy on our hands in a couple of years. xD

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He is YOU.  He has had glimpses and maybe even big  awakenings but probably doesn't have the framework to integrate them.  Good guy though.  He knows selfishness is ego and he knows Truth is selflessness.  Whether he knows that consciously or not i cannot surmise.  But he has come far in his own way.   Much of that way was suffering.  He took the path of suffering and then took psychedelics.   If he had the teachings here he would be even more conscious.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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4 hours ago, fridjonk said:

Don't know if you guy's watched the whole card, but this moment at 0:59 caught my spiritual ear. 

Looks like we have another Connor Murphy on our hands in a couple of years. xD

I think Connor has some decent cognition - awareness, analysis, curiosity, introspection, intellect. He just seems unhinged to me right now. If he can build a foundation, integrate and stabalize - I think he has some potential. Even before his psychedelics, Connor had a decent amount awareness. Imagine being spiritually clueless and then witnessing 10 years worth of spiritual insights in 10 hours. That's a lot to handle. I can see myself going bonkers. 

Another way to look at it. Imagine a farmer from the 17th century being transported to New York City year 2020 for a day and then get transported back to his 17th century farm. The guy could go insane. 

To me, Jake has a dull mind and I don't see him evolving into a high conscious being. He reminds me of Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

I'm much more interested in Izzy. I can see him evolving much higher and I hope he does. A Tier 2 Izzy would be quite the character. 


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@DefinitelyNotARobot Unfortunately it went right over their heads, but it seems to have tickled some green side in Logan since he did attend another Sadhguru talk later on. I feel like his friends are holding him back from going fully into it. 

40 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

I think Connor has some decent cognition - awareness, analysis, curiosity, introspection, intellect. He just seems unhinged to me right now. If he can build a foundation, integrate and stabalize - I think he has some potential. Even before his psychedelics, Connor had a decent amount awareness. Imagine being spiritually clueless and then witnessing 10 years worth of spiritual insights in 10 hours. That's a lot to handle. I can see myself going bonkers

Yeah absolutely, I think Connor will pull himself together with a little time to ponder and integrate these experiences.

40 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

To me, Jake has a dull mind and I don't see him evolving into a high conscious being. He reminds me of Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

That made me laugh out loud! ? (Not that there's anything wrong with that of course). 

40 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

I'm much more interested in Izzy. I can see him evolving much higher and I hope he does. A Tier 2 Izzy would be quite the character. 


He seems very intelligent and professional. You never know since psychedelics are becoming more popular in the sports industry and all over, and he's apparently aware of shamanic breathing which says something maybe. 

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@fridjonk his path to consciousness has been suffering and then taking psychedelics.  He is a good guy who has developed a lot more than the majority of us will.  

I was talking about Tyson not Connor Oops.


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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

his path to consciousness has been suffering and then taking psychedelics.  He is a good guy who has developed a lot more than the majority of us will.  

Yeah, I admire him for actually taking this so seriously. 

Not a lot of folks are repaired to do a 40 day fast. 

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2 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

Yeah, I admire him for actually taking this so seriously. 

Not a lot of folks are repaired to do a 40 day fast. 

Oops i was actually talking about Tyson.   Connor hasn't suffered a day in his life.    The fast maybe if he did it for real.


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10 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Oops i was actually talking about Tyson.   Connor hasn't suffered a day in his life.    The fast maybe if he did it for real.

haha! alright, I was a little confused as well. xD

Tyson is very wise from what I've seen in recent interviews. 

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5 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

Tyson is very wise from what I've seen in recent interviews. 

Yeah from years on the planet and the "toad" DMT.  He probably doesn't even know about 5-MeO. 

If someone introduced him to Leo or other spiritual teachers, like Adyashanti,  for example - his awareness would most likely triple haha.




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18 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

If someone introduced him to Leo or other spiritual teachers, like Adyashanti,  for example - his awareness would most likely triple haha.

I do think he's a Muslim so it may be holding him back from opening his mind to those kinds of teachings. 

Yet he did experience infinite love on his 5 MeO trip. I really hope he doesn't mix it into some Muslim fairy tale and get all twisted up. 

But this is all too much speculation. 

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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

@fridjonk. That's pretty cool I guess i missed where he tried 5-MeO :)


@Inliytened1 I was shocked when I read that Mike Tyson took 5-MeO-DMT, which led him to get back into shape and back in the ring. Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me now if he did stumble upon one of Leo’s videos. 


Edited by JayySur

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12 minutes ago, JayySur said:

@Inliytened1 I was shocked when I read that Mike Tyson took 5-MeO-DMT, which led him to get back into shape and back in the ring. Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me now if he did stumble upon one of Leo’s videos. N


Yeah me too 


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Jones showed so much skill in fighting Tyson, he defenantely couldnt hit as hard as Tyson and he knew that, Tyson is The grand wizard of heavy hitting. Jones adjusted to the condition and snatched up as many points as he could, Imo Jones got more points at the end of the night, Tyson is too old and his body cant hit as hard as it used to.

Edited by Rolo

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@Forestluv hey 

regarding your thoughts on coonnor & jake paul

I think you are right. I think connor actually went in there deep. He even experienced pure hell (really fascinating how he talks about it). This is where all these now pseudo-spiritual people, who mainly play with thoughts and ideas, will get return to comfort zone egoland. 

I find it very interesting how spirituality sips into the minds of more popular individuals. But it will be about what they do with it. Will they accept Truth? Will they accept what they have been given? And then how far will they go with it? Jake Paul... I don't think he will go far with it, but you never know. He is still young. 

I can feel envious of them in these situation. I can have the feeling that this is unfair. That I should speak about these topics, since I dedicated my life to it. I renounced materialism. I renounced distraction. I was renoucing to part take in the devilry of this world. And so I should be asked for advise and inspiration. 

Of course this is pure egoism and I know it, since I am still in love with my own ego. But it can feel weird that you could chase materialism, fame, then suddenly discover the truth & end up having a bigger impact, than someone who dedicated to this quest from the beginning. Makes you question if you should just do it like them. Get material success & fame & then use this popularity to spread truth & love.

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Mike tyson has been interested in spirituality since his 5 meo trips. On utube he even asked sadhguru on his bike tour across the usa a question which shows that he is interested. Reckon he wont become a jogi but i think he is on a good way. 

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Tyson wants to fight for real, to make a world championship at 56 years old, to break the limits of the supposedly Impossible. he was a gifted boxer, but a bully, never a warrior. when the adversary was at his level, he had a bad time. He did not enjoy the war as a holyfield, so he still has the thorn of boxing stuck. I think he will surprise everyone

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