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Meditation made easy

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Hey there,

I'm meditating for many years now and always struggled with it. There were some breakthroughs but most of the time it felt forced and inefficient.

Through contemplation some insights came up that helped me tremendously and now meditation is something pleasant that I look forward too.


The biggest key for me was to stop being ideological about the techniques. Explicitly that means:

I am allowing myself to move when I want to move. I don't have to sit still, but I can if it feels right. I don't have to sit cross legged, I can sit on a chair, lay down or stand. Also I can change positions during a session when my body gets stiff, this allows me to meditate longer.


Also, I allow myself to switch to techniques during a session. That means i start with breathing and after some minutes I switch to labeling for example or to kriya. This is always different and i try to follow my intuition.


Basically, meditation more and more becomes like play for me. I don't force myself to stay in line with the teachings, although I appreciate them and use them as guidance.

Lastly i just want to say that the cold hard disciplined way also has value and can be a great way to balance the more experimental and loose approaching.

Much love :x





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@Yonkon thanks for sharing, that's some great progress, you're taking ownership and developing your intuition too :)

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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