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Tripping in a sleeping bag... a tool for revisiting the past?

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I'm an intermediate psychonaut with dozens of experiences over the past years behind my belt... benefited from both the blissful as well as the difficult ones.

My last couple of trips - mostly with longer lasting psychedelics like psilocybin shrooms or LSD, I really became fond of closing myself in a sleeping bag after the ingestion of the psychedelic. I do most of my trips lying down with closed eyes or in semi-darkness, so being in the sleeping bag for the first hour or two is not a problem... I only get out for a snack, drink or to go to the toilet.

It has been much more likely for me to have some kind of experience related to my past, when I use the sleeping bag. I had several forgotten traumatic memories from childhood pop-up to my conscious mind. Couple of times I even had an experience of being in the womb. When the trip is going strong and I go deep into a trance, while in the sleeping bag, I then often find myself instinctively going in the fetus position (I only realize this after I leave the trance).

Could a sleeping bag - thanks to its shape and properties, be used to increase the likelihood of revisiting childhood experiences during the trip? Has anyone else tested this? I'd say feel free to give this a try!

I know, that Holotropic Breathwork (shamanic breathwork) has been done while floating in water, under professional supervision. This also increases the likelihood of experiencing one's birth for example.

PS: the moment I come out of the sleeping bag is also phenomenal! It is like the caterpillar (sober me) going into its cocoon, undergoing a process of transformation (the peak of a trip) and then out comes a beautiful butterfly (God-mode "me")... a true rebirth :D 


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Sensory deprivation for sure can help one go much deeper into themselves as there is less distraction going on. I have seen many trip reports of people in bath tubs expirencing being in the womb, being reborn and such. Your metamorphasis strategy sounds like a good one for you xD

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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