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Beginner Mind

The Peace of Surrender

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Has anyone else tried this?  It's basically just another way of saying "allow everything to be as it is".  Except that with surrender, it's more of a total collapse, allowing your body to go slack, and having the attitude of "I am helpless; God is all-powerful."  After about 15-20 minutes of surrendering in this way, you will begin to notice a tremendous peace, the peace that 'passeth understanding."  Highly recommended. :)

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Yeah, man, thanks for sharing. :) 

The magical thing is that surrender is already the case. Thoughts arise, and we believe we are those thoughts, "rejecting or fighting reality". Such a silly ilusion, but very hard to break nonetheless. :( 


Edited by Javfly33

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27 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Yeah, man, thanks for sharing. :) 

The magical thing is that surrender is already the case. Thoughts arise, and we believe we are those thoughts, "rejecting or fighting reality". Such a silly ilusion, but very hard to break nonetheless. :( 


Yes, surrender is our natural state!  Thoughts will continue to arise even after liberation, but there will no longer be the capacity to take any of them seriously.

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24 minutes ago, 73809 said:

What is surrender?

Surrender is the relinquishment of inner resistance to this moment.

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2 hours ago, Beginner Mind said:

Surrender is the relinquishment of inner resistance to this moment.

I get this idea, and practice in the form of acceptance /letting be. But, a question arises, that "I" am not the instigator of all the drama. Resistance arises by itself (along with everything else), so shouldn't I be accepting the resistance energy too rather than picking and choosing what to surrender to? If I give space to everything which appears in my mind, I find it a smoother route to tranquillity. 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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1 hour ago, snowyowl said:

I get this idea, and practice in the form of acceptance /letting be. But, a question arises, that "I" am not the instigator of all the drama. Resistance arises by itself (along with everything else), so shouldn't I be accepting the resistance energy too rather than picking and choosing what to surrender to? If I give space to everything which appears in my mind, I find it a smoother route to tranquillity. 

Yes, if you find that you can't just surrender outright, and resistance continues to arise, then allow the resistance to be as it is.  Nothing wrong with anything.  Everything is perfect as it is, including resistance.

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@Beginner Mind Thanks! But isn't it an illusion to think that I am doing a spiritual practice when in fact, I'm not in control anyway, everything is 'just happening'. What difference does it make to believe I'm on a path to awakening, perhaps I should let go of that belief too :(

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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5 hours ago, snowyowl said:

@Beginner Mind Thanks! But isn't it an illusion to think that I am doing a spiritual practice when in fact, I'm not in control anyway, everything is 'just happening'. What difference does it make to believe I'm on a path to awakening, perhaps I should let go of that belief too :(

It's true that there is no control.  There is no doer.  In fact there is no entity inside that organism you call 'you'.  And yet, there is a feeling of free will, perhaps a gift from Source so that we don't all feel like a bunch of slaves.  One of my teachers, Roger Castillo, recommends "doing whatever you feel to do in any moment".  If you feel an impulse to travel down the spiritual path, then go ahead and do so.  Knowing at the same time that it's not really up to 'you'. :)

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5 hours ago, neutralempty said:

If suffering is too strong eventually everyone surrenders.

Yes for many people suffering is their main or only spiritual teacher.

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@Beginner Mind yeah, I kind of get this, it's not free will as in "I am the boss of my life". More like developing the intuition to feel what is coming through to my limited form, from the infinite source. 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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