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About 'Spiritual' Discord Servers

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Hi everyone!

Has any of you have experiences online with chat servers like Discords especially those 'spiritual servers' that have egotistical Admins?

I got kicked from one of the server earlier because of some sensitive topic. I guess I need to learn my lesson to keep my mouth shut when it comes to advance topics like Psychedelics and Religion. To give you an idea, I've been watching Leo's video for a year now. I had my 1st Ayahuasca experience early this year. I can attest to say that most of what he shares on his channel are accurate. I am not saying all though as I'm yet exploring still (currently into NonDuality/Oneness).

So with the server I mentioned, I've been with them for the past, lets say 3-4 months now. The server is not that active with people chatting, its like 2-3 people a day along with the one admin. To cut long story short, we were talking about Psychedelics.. The admin showed up and expresses his long story about his childhood and psychosis. You could say, his personal experiences shaped his perception about psychedelics in general and gave it some stigma. I was sharing my experiences about how Ayahuasca, but he continues his projections. At this point I can say that maybe the topic about Psychedelics in general re-opened his past experiences that he became unstable to handle comments. Then the topic shifted to Religions saying he only follows Christianity and Buddhism, he doesnt felt like idoling a statue etc... I kinda say 'You drew the last straw, have a nice day everyone"

I don't know why I still continue keeping up with that server to be honest. Maybe because its Discord and its easy to just chat with someone on a whim while having other gaming servers up and switch around.

He drew the last straw because I thought 'wow, this guy thought the world revolves around him'.. I mean its his server, but damn there are still people so blind in 2020, I guess I put too much faith on humanity ei?

It put my mind in ease just by typing all of these.. Now I dont know if I will search for another spiritual groups on discord or something lol. I'm glad this forum exist though. That alone is enough. Thanks Leo!


Thoughts? Guess you cant fully know someone until you touch his sensitive side. Can you say that a person's spiritual maturity comes with on how he/she handle situations? Like kicking someone out of nowhere because he/she can't stand his projections bouncing back to them.




Edited by Rayster

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14 minutes ago, neutralempty said:

"The admin showed up and expresses his long story about his childhood and psychosis. "

It was either a made up story or he was shamed by having what others called in him a psychosis so much that he complete misidentified the source of his suffering. It is also likely his brain has been twisted from childhood on by neuroleptics.

He told me that he got this 'psychosis' from stress from his family, growing up, etc. I told him that everyone on this planet has a similar or tragic story as well.. But what I dont comprehend is that he kept projecting his story just to tell others that Psychedelics are double edge sword (which is true, I dont deny that, there are stories I've read)..

It felt like he blames the people around him, and its not always a good idea to put blame on others.

He follows Buddha because 'You cant rely on others'. So it's the same principle he does on his server. Cutting people, even wrong ones. You know, I'm glad Im out of that server, the moment he shared his story, I was suffocating and the only way out is leaving the server, Im glad he did the initiative.

So much unstable people I've seen throughout the month of November o_O



Edited by Rayster

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This experience taught me how people's beliefs/stories about themselves can entirely have an effect on their outlook in life in general. I'm grateful I saw Leo's videos a year ago and been on a continued journey of Self-Actualization.

I've wished them best in advance before I have a plan to leave the server, the emotions earlier was intense, was happy that I got off the hook early.

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@neutralempty Thanks for the response! You're quite good! The entire story is being him and his psychosis. The fact that you mention that he doesnt accept it is very true, because it felt like its his conviction that no one can shake him on that well-built belief. From my perspective on the situation, I just bounce back what he needs to see until I got thrown out. I do not mean to offend him. I was talking with him with other spiritual stuffs for a couple of months ago, just on/off.

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@neutralempty It is also likely his brain has been twisted from childhood on by neuroleptics.

BINGO! He got forced to be medicated for 2-3 years, so it makes sense now. To be honest, I'm not feeling bad with the experience. I think its something that needs to happened especially for him. I will just continue reading books and such I guess and continue for my own truth.

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Stop looking for truth on Discord. That's your problem.

You will never find a diamond in an outhouse no matter how long you look.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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That's all I needed to hear. I was anticipating for your response tbh Leo! Yeah after this experience it's a no no no no no.

I missed traveling, all this COVID thing is making it harder to go out!

Edited by Rayster

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