
Share your personal dev technology hacks

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Today I discovered speech to text. I can ramble away my thoughts and also get them as an easy note. Just requieres little polishing. 

Also, use an external bluetooth keyboard for  your smartphone or tablet, for notetaking. 

Surprise me bois. 

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This is probably something a lot of people already know about, but you can search Google using images. If you need to see if Google has a certain image on their database you can just drag it into here:

Edited by Osaid

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Using high quality Bluetooth Ear buds > Makes exercise easier & great for jogging and many other things. Good for phone calls as well. 

I currently using Jaybird Vista - They're good, not perfect but depends on your budget i'm sure there's even better ones.  

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@mmKay AHHH RHRHRH I litterally have them in 24/7 every fucking day. 

Everything is fucking poisonous how am I meant to enjoy my life and still be healthy. fed up

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On 28/11/2020 at 10:04 AM, Striving for more said:

@mmKay AHHH RHRHRH I litterally have them in 24/7 every fucking day. 

Everything is fucking poisonous how am I meant to enjoy my life and still be healthy. fed up

@Striving for more

It’s fine, bluetooth radio waves won’t affect you nearly as much as your paranoia around it will, so chill

It’s like living in the jungle. You gotta eat but every single plant around you could be poisonous? And every single animal could outsmart you lol

Edited by blankisomeone

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On 27/11/2020 at 7:08 AM, mmKay said:

Today I discovered speech to text. I can ramble away my thoughts and also get them as an easy note. Just requieres little polishing. 

Also, use an external bluetooth keyboard for  your smartphone or tablet, for notetaking. 

Surprise me bois. 

What speech to text software do you use?

Do you take digital privacy into account? What about open source?

...the best technology I've found are psychedelics, hehe :D

Air ionizer (cleans air and generates negative ions) has often made me feel fully focused. Diffusing essential oils can also be powerful. Vertical computer mouse has helped with wrist pain/sensitivity. Cryptocurrency investing as a safety hedge against "traditional" systems. Brave browser has spoiled me over the years, as I have forgotten how ads are displayed over the internet. Unfollowing people on Facebook to cut down bullshit posts. Searching facebook for nearby events and relevant groups for social purposes (good while traveling). Checking the repairability of an electronic/digital item before I buy it... iFixIt and repair guides for fixing parts, that are broken instead of changing the whole device (my phone has 3.5 years and my laptop close to 8). Fairphone looks to be the best phone company I've found and will buy their phone once mine dies.

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Hey guys any advice on a productivity keyboard? 

I'm considering buying the Logitech K780 keyboard as I already have an MX Master 2X Mouse. 

It also has a nice phone holder slot too.

Any experiences with that one or better options ? 

I type a lot so I want smooth effortless typing. 

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Well, i always liked those electric scooters and decided to buy one.

There is this free app that can change the location or something on the Xiaomi/Ninebot scooters. German 20km/h, Europe 25km/h or US 30km/h.

I bought the German version of the Ninebot and installed it to Europe. Saved 150e as nobody wanted a 20km/h vehicle and it was always on sale. The difference now is that the Europe version has yellow tires and mine has blue tires and now drives at 25km/h instead of 20km/h.

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