By seeking_brilliance
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Stop what you are doing right now!
That's right, stop. ? Now.
Now press play on one of these tracks if desired, or you can play any music you'd like:
Place all awareness on this text and limit all 'mind movies' only to what you're reading.
Good. Melt into this thread. Nothing else matters. You are here, now.
This is your daily awareness check in. For the next few minutes, please place all attention on what is happening RIGHT NOW.
For example, right now you are reading this text. In fact, you are now one with the text, as it penetrates deep into your focused mind.
Now add to your awareness the feeling of your skin. Is the environment warm, or cool?
Feel the outer layer of your skin. Breathe slowly and just feel.
.... Breathe in....
.... Breathe out....
Now, slowly bring the awareness of your skin inwards. Deeper and deeper until you can feel all of your body, inside and out. Very good.
Just breathe and feel it. If you lose this full body awareness, start back on the outer layer of skin and work inwards again. Hold this awareness until instructed to let go.
Whether you see it or not, a bright golden light is flowing from this text and into your body, energising it with love.
Breathe in slowly and deeply. Your bated breath and the golden light of love floods every cell, wrapping you in a warm and fuzzy blanket.
.... And now let it all go.
Breathe and relax, gently returning to the familiar world.
To complete this check in, think back to what you were doing right before this thread was opened. Each time you perform this daily awareness check in, please answer the questions below by leaving a comment:
1.What where you doing before the thread was opened? Anything important?
2. How did you get there?
3. Do you really know if you were doing anything before opening this thread?
4. If applicable, what did you block out to focus on the check in?
5. Am I dreaming?