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I can’t die

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By God not being able to kill itself does that mean :

1 I as god cannot die I will always be present experiencing dualities . And even if you destroyed all dualities I would still be present as no form. 


2 God can’t kill itself because it’s all form and no form and time doesn’t exist and existence is happening right now which means it must always be so it’s can’t go away cause it’s here. And none of this has anything to do with a illusion of presence. 

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It means there is no where to go. 

It means whatever is going on is whatever is going on. If something is going on.. Something is going on. If nothing is going on.. Nothing is going on. The underlying whateverness happeningness is absoluteness. You can understand that if you become conscious of there is no difference between something and nothing. Happening and not happening. Time and eternity. 

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1 hour ago, Mvrs said:

By God not being able to kill itself does that mean :

1 I as god cannot die I will always be present experiencing dualities . And even if you destroyed all dualities I would still be present as no form. 

I as God knows full well there is not a duality of self & other, and that what is not can not be destroyed. 

1 hour ago, Mvrs said:


2 God can’t kill itself because it’s all form and no form and time doesn’t exist and existence is happening right now which means it must always be so it’s can’t go away cause it’s here. And none of this has anything to do with a illusion of presence. 

Likewise, God’s fully aware there’s no form. 



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4 minutes ago, hyruga said:

Didn't you guy like to say there's no 'I'?

That’s “why“ ‘I‘ can’t die. If you know you’re dead, you’re not dead. If you don’t know you’re dead, you’re not dead.

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