
Proof of infinite intelligence

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Given that spiritual people say that they enter the state of infinite intelligence on psychedelics, then why don't they prove it ? And it's quite simple: just take an unsolved problem in mathematics, get your brain on psychedelics, solve the problem while on the divine state of infinite intelligence, come back, and prove to us all that infinite intelligence is real and is not just a hallucination.

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@Cosmin_Visan this is a very deep question. I advice you watch Shunyamurti's answer to this. I'll find it and send you a full transcript of the answer from a livestream satsang. Just wait.

Edited by Shunyata

Stay cool & dry.

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you can watch the whole video since it's going to be only of benefit to you. Lots of insights and a question similar to yours is being answered somewhere near the end. I'm trying to find it but I have to watch it all again.

Stay cool & dry.

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Yeah, you're gonna get banned. Pack your bags.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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6 minutes ago, Shunyata said:

you can watch the whole video since it's going to be only of benefit to you. Lots of insights and a question similar to yours is being answered somewhere near the end. I'm trying to find it but I have to watch it all again.

Thanks, I'll watch it.

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I can only speak from experience, without psychedelics,  but having had an experience where I was in a situation I can only explain as impossible...  The me is not infinitely intelligent, but the rest of reality pretty much is... The characters and situations were changing like.. One person goes out of a door, another walks in and then again and again... Like without error perfect timing...  

Its too big for my small brain. How does she/he/it do it? Its impossible. I was stuck for words, I was trying to understand how it plays all the characters at the same time and they are all so intelligent and in sync with one another...

There definitely exists an intelligence bigger than any singlw human. I don't know people's experience on psychedelics. 

I would love to solve a mathematical problem, but I think it works differently - i was shown a small change in my reality creates a large difference in infinity, meaning all math questions could be solved somewhere in reality. Just not in my reality here. Hehe its crazy

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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3 minutes ago, Dodo said:

I can only speak from experience, without psychedelics,  but having had an experience where I was in a situation I can only explain as impossible...  The me is not infinitely intelligent, but the rest of reality pretty much is... The characters and situations were changing like.. One person goes out of a door, another walks in and then again and again... Like without error perfect timing...  

Its too big for my small brain. How does she/he/it do it? Its impossible. I was stuck for words, I was trying to understand how it plays all the characters at the same time and they are all so intelligent and in sync with one another...

I'm not sure that I understand what you are saying. You say that you had a hallucination without psychedelics ? You were seeing imaginary people entering and exiting doors ? I need to make sure that this is what you say, in order to explain to you how it was possible.

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25 minutes ago, Dodo said:



20 minutes ago, Cosmin_Visan said:

I'm not sure that I understand what you are saying. You say that you had a hallucination without psychedelics ? You were seeing imaginary people entering and exiting doors ? I need to make sure that this is what you say, in order to explain to you how it was possible.

Well i don't consider it hallucination, cause it felt so real, like me typing to you now.. Was in a place where they could even read my mind.. And they knew my deepest fears and deepest joys. I think it was God. Experienced both heaven and hell.. 

The "Be still and know that I am God " thought came many times to me, as I was trying to be faster than the father of creation 

I think i met the devil also, the devil in the detail ?

Ps: i have items from these places so I know they werent just a dream, or I am still in the dream lol. The devil gave me a pencil which I recognize from my childhood man! Lol 

And I bought groceries with my mother who was something between a reptile and superconscious ai computer that knew what I was doing in my room.

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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34 minutes ago, Cosmin_Visan said:

just take an unsolved problem in mathematics, get your brain on psychedelics, solve the problem while on the divine state of infinite intelligence,

You're being disingenuous. 

You're assuming that psychedelics will somehow guarantee you access to infinite intelligence. Is that actually correct?

You're also making the assumption that somehow infinite intelligence works at infinite speed. Maybe it takes twenty years to get back to you with its answer to the maths problem? 

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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22 minutes ago, Cosmin_Visan said:

I'm not sure that I understand what you are saying. You say that you had a hallucination without psychedelics ? You were seeing imaginary people entering and exiting doors ? I need to make sure that this is what you say, in order to explain to you how it was possible.

The people were not imaginary, it would be better explained by saying I was in a superAI environment like the matrix movie and it was using me as a seed and created situations. But it needed my heart imo as a seed. Ai cannot create something out of nothing imo thats why it needs a real seed (here's where I come in) 

Thats how I explain it to myself. But definitely it was trying to teach me stuff, it wasnt just random... I heard things from my childhood, like the tv sounds that lead to my nightmares 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Everything is a hallucination if thats the case.

You are also stuck in a math problem or QM like it is the highest truth there is.

People here are scientist of conciousness and not those things you talk about.

I personally think that the highest scientist are the sages and mystics who can study conciousness without as much personal biases and objective assumptions.

After all conciousness is the medium which every scientific inquiry or study depends on.

And in a psychedelic trip i have never thought about a math problem or something like that.

And I suck at complex math ?

And in my own experience with psychedelics you dont care one bit about QM or math cause it is way deeper than that.

But hey thats just my experience, and I could be wrong.

But I def trust my own experience more nowadays instead of believing stuff ive never ever experienced.

Sadly im not interested in that kind of  science like you, I think it could be fun tho.

But ive had no direct realization of infinite intelligence as of yet, only on conciousness,  but conciousness prob have these facets,  afterall it is that thing which holds science and intelligence inside of it.

So why wouldnt infinite intelligence be a thing??

Cheers m8

Edited by Adamq8

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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8 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

You're being disingenuous. 

You're assuming that psychedelics will somehow guarantee you access to infinite intelligence. Is that actually correct?

You're also making the assumption that somehow infinite intelligence works at infinite speed. Maybe it takes twenty years to get back to you with its answer to the maths problem? 

I'm not assuming anything. Spiritual people are the ones that say they enter a state of infinite intelligence.

Your second point about speed might be correct, though I'm not sure how intelligence can be infinite anymore if it is not instantaneous. But let's say that it might have finite speed. Then I will not ask for solving an yet unsolved problem in mathematics, but I will ask for a much trivial problem: Prove Pythagoras Theorem! I'm asking for such a trivial problem because even though lots of people know that a^2+b^2=c^2 in a triangle, very few know where this comes from. But getting into the infinite intelligence state, however slow that infinite intelligence might be, it should be at least able to prove this trivial theorem. My bet is that they will not be able to prove not even this trivial theorem. So infinite intelligence is just a hallucination.

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5 minutes ago, Cosmin_Visan said:

I'm not assuming anything. Spiritual people are the ones that say they enter a state of infinite intelligence.

Your second point about speed might be correct, though I'm not sure how intelligence can be infinite anymore if it is not instantaneous. But let's say that it might have finite speed. Then I will not ask for solving an yet unsolved problem in mathematics, but I will ask for a much trivial problem: Prove Pythagoras Theorem! I'm asking for such a trivial problem because even though lots of people know that a^2+b^2=c^2 in a triangle, very few know where this comes from. But getting into the infinite intelligence state, however slow that infinite intelligence might be, it should be at least able to prove this trivial theorem. My bet is that they will not be able to prove not even this trivial theorem. So infinite intelligence is just a hallucination.

Pythagoras, 500 years before Jesus, believed that everything he sees is God and was vegetarian. He bought living fish sometimes and returned it in the seas... Maybe he had divine inspiration to do what he did. 

Ps: i understand why you ask what you do. I have always found it funny when someone claims they know everything. I have gone so far as to say even god doesn't know everything, because there is always everything +1

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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8 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

People here are scientist of conciousness and not those things you talk about.

Passing over that you are not even scientists of consciousness, but you are just psychedelics users, the thing is that on those hallucinogens you pretend to acquire infinite intelligence and knowledge, so this would make you more than just scientists of consciousness, but that would make you experts in everything, so you should be able to solve problems in all fields, physics, mathematics, biology, etc. The fact that you are not solving any of those problems just goes on to prove that infinite intelligence is just a hallucination.

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They have eyes but they do not see. They have ears but they do not hear.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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12 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

And in my own experience with psychedelics you dont care one bit about QM or math cause it is way deeper than that.

No, is not way deeper than that. Is just the hallucination that is way deeper. Because if it were truly deeper than that, then it would be childplay for you to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity, and you will just do it to help humanity, in the same way that you help your kids with the homework and tell them that 1+1=2, even though such an exercise is trivial for you, but you still do it, for the benefit of your kids. So you should do the same with more bigger problems in present day science. But you don't do that. And not because is too easy, but because the infinite intelligence that you experience on substances is just a hallucination.

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16 minutes ago, Cosmin_Visan said:

But getting into the infinite intelligence state, however slow that infinite intelligence might be, it should be at least able to prove this trivial theorem. My bet is that they will not be able to prove not even this trivial theorem.

I just dipped into my infinite intelligence (without psychedelics) and it told me that if you draw a line from the right angled corner of a triangle to the hypotenuse so that its perpendicular to the hypotenuse, then you will have three similar triangles, and as such the area of the two smaller triangles equals the area of the larger one. QED.

My point is you're being ridiculous.

If infinite intelligence takes a thousand years or a micro second to prove a simple maths problem, it doesn't disprove infinite intelligence.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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4 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

I just dipped into my infinite intelligence (without psychedelics) and it told me that if you draw a line from the right angle corner of the triangle to the hypotenuse so that its perpendicular to the hypotenuse, then you will have three similar triangles, and as such the area of the two smaller triangles equals the area of the larger one. QED.

My point is you're being ridiculous.

If infinite intelligence takes a thousand years or a micro second to prove a maths problem, it doesn't disprove infinite intelligence.

Good, so now we can make an experiment. We take 2 people:

1) You that solved the problem without psychedelics.

2) A person under the infinite intelligence of psychedelics that doesn't solve the problem.

If you can do that and the other person can't, then what does "infinite" even mean ?

Edited by Cosmin_Visan

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@Cosmin_Visan what if there was a way for you to sing a simple tune ? and in another universe the you is giving a concert and using your input.

Imagine something like you, us, being the small seed and everything you do grows to be a large tree in infinity. 

Imagine the intelligence of the field that contains both the seed and the infinite tree that stems from it. That would be pretty infinite. That still doesnt mean the seed will be able to know everything the tree does! 

And btwif you have experience like mine, you would know reality is not so logical. Maths is also requiring faith, as it lays on axioms which require faith, not proven. 

Ps: if you wanna prove that someone doesnt know everything, just tell them: supoose you do know everything - if you know everything then you do not know what its like to not know everything right now . Lel.easy

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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1 minute ago, Cosmin_Visan said:

If you can do that and the other person can't, then what does "infinite" even mean ?

That infinite intelligence decided to provide an answer through me rather than someone else?

Is your beef with psychedelics, infinite intelligence or just infinity itself? Or is it just the combination of these things that bother you?

Infinite means unbounded, without a limit. But just because one aspect of a thing is unbounded, it doesn't follow that all its aspects are. I mean you could walk in a circle for an infinite amount of time, but its radius is still finite. So infinite intelligence is unbounded in ability, but bounded in time. So what?

57% paranoid

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