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Becoming a digital nomad

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Does anyone have advice on becoming location-independent? My intuition is telling me I should head in that direction but I'm not sure where to start.

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@Beeflamb Your question is far too broad. It's basically impossible to answer. We're not here to lay out your life plan for you. 

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I wouldn't bother trying until the pandemic is over. You wanna live in quarantine for 2 weeks every time you go to another country, or potentially get stuck somewhere for months? What's the point of being location-independent when everything is closed?

On the other hand, more people than ever are working from home. Technically anyone who can work from home is a digital nomad. Buy a laptop, find a job or business that you can do from a laptop, go wherever you want as long as there's places with wifi. Chiang Mai in Thailand is basically the world hub for digital nomads.

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