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How Love can heal You

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This is a prime example of how love can heal a humans body, mind and soul.


This is what the future of mankind looks like. Full of love and compassion. Some people think that loving and having compassion for others is a burden, but it is quite the opposite. It will be the foundation upon which our civilization will thrive. It will be what heals us and this planet.

There is no difference between giving love and receiving it. This must be understood.

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4 hours ago, Keyhole said:

I love them so much.
One of my top ten fave animals.
I like to watch the baby rescue channels...

Love their faces, they look like domestic pets almost.


They are little love creation machines. And they don't even have to do anything to create the love, they just have to be themselves.


The love they create within you, that is what you should thank them for. Imagine if there was a God and he created all of this, and he loved all of his Creation. Imagine how much Love it would give him, yet at the same time he would be the one giving the Love.

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