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Why do dentists love flouride so much ?

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I'm confused about fluoride. I currently use fluoride free toothpaste due to it's name. But I'm aware many people get told by their dentist to "use more flouride to prevent tooth decay".

I have quite bad teeth at the moment, I need to see a dentist I haven't gone in about 4 years ... But I'm also scared of dentists cos the last prick gave me a mercury filling. 

What is it with dentists ? They love fluoride and mercury. I just want to know the facts, is fluoride really beneficial or not. 

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Fluoride is actually really helpful in toothpaste, it helps keep your gums healthy and your enamel strong. You don't absorb molecules of fluoride through your oral mucosa so just try not to swallow it. It would not be needed if humans did not consume so much garbage & sugar but right now it is great protection....kinda like why fortifying salt with iodine spared tens of thousands of Americans growing a goitre. It is not ideal but sometimes we need to protect the herd health. 

There are certain foods that contain large amounts of fluoride especially processed foods (can't remember which these are) you may want to keep an eye on that, the tiny amount in toothpaste is harmless. 

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Ok thanks. 

Well I have been using "fluoride free mint king fisher toothpaste", is using this toothpaste instead of Colgate going to make my teeth worse or even decay.

And is the levels of flouride in tap  water not safe

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wholefoods sells flouride free toothpaste but it may be a mistake to not use it, my dentist even prescribed me extra flouride toothpaste, only planning to use it for rhe bext few minths until I get off junk food (hopefully)

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Why do dentists use fluoride? Because it's easy and effective.

Why do farmers use pesticide?

Why is food full of sugar, wheat, corn, and soy?

Because it's a cheap way to deliver the desired results.

Every business does what's proven to work and maximize profit. Every industry looks for a narrow outcome without regard for wider implications.

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It's just group-think. They are not questioning the practices of the past. They get well paid do as they were taught.

You should get a teeth cleaning every 6 months. Foolish not to see a dentist for 4 years. Just tell them: NO FLOURIDE

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3 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

@Leo Gura Fluoride is a mineral that is proven to prevent tooth decay, but I disagree with it being put into water supplies.

You don't need it.

Animals do fine without flouride. So do humans.

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so what exactly is the problem with fluoride? I just had a checkup and they recommended it to me too.

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I think it's just a baseless myth/fear that fluoride is bad (for pineal gland or whatever).

I'm a happy consumer of lots of fluoride. I use fluoride toothpaste and also fluoride mouthwater. Gimme moar fluoride.

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How does cetylpyridinium-chloride compare to fluoride? Usually that's the type of mouthwash I get (though occasionally I end up with fluoride mouthwash instead because the labels look nearly-identical).

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Fluoride is a toxin and there's 0 proof that it protects the teeth, if anything it damages them. Simply don't eat carbs and you won't need to brush your teeth at all.

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11 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

@Leo Gura Animals don’t live for 80+ years, and they have completely different diets. 


11 minutes ago, Village said:

@Red-White-Light Depends which animals. Some live far longer.

Turtles, unfortunately they don't have teeth though



Edited by PurpleTree

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On 12/24/2020 at 5:43 PM, PurpleTree said:


Turtles, unfortunately they don't have teeth though



Greenland sharks do ;)

And people in indigenous tribes who never brushed their teeth didn't have a single cavity or missing tooth in their 100's (read Nutrition and Physical degeneration by Dr. Weston Price).

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To answer OP's question: I think it's also for the same reason they get emotionally protective of amalgam fillings. They can't admit they'd been poisoning people for years and years.

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@neutralempty They got some good stuff though I'm more of an Aajonus Vonderplanitz "shill" if I may.

Also what do you mean they don't? Brain and butter have vitamins A, D and K2 and 0 sugar - all you need for healthy teeth, lolz.

Edited by Village

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It appears the consensus is-- with a clean diet, fluoride is not needed. In an unclean diet of yeasts and sugars, it's unfortunately helpful.  Just don't swallow.  Maybe we should always rinse mouth out with water after brushing. 


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