
Things changing while I sleep

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@Nahm @Nahm But I guess im not here to be rich, Im here to co-create and be an RNG creator with a touch of order and a touch of chaos. I really do not need money to co-create  and move in harmony :D Just would make it easier and I would be able to be in more beautiful and high vibe places if I had the dosh 

Edited by Dodo

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Shake all the “if’s” outta that, and that is absolutely literally what is already happening. Relish this ‘part’. We will be old (hopefully), and we will ‘die’. This is it! Now!  

Beautiful high vibe first (attraction vibe). 

There isn’t universe / infinite being and money. 

Just magic. 



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5 minutes ago, Dodo said:

science is a faith based field, you cant use it as something rock solid :D 

Furthermore, I experienced things recently that are not supported by science

I've been in a timeless place where time did not move.. Not just the usual story, but my socks literally did not dry and on the socks was written the word: Everlast...

I will not go deeper on the crazy experiences I've had recently, but I can tell you science does not cover them. Lol! 

Science isn't all bad.

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21 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

Science isn't all bad.


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1 hour ago, Dodo said:


The collapse of the duality between mass and energy. Was Einstein into spirituality I wonder...?

57% paranoid

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13 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

The collapse of the duality between mass and energy. Was Einstein into spirituality I wonder...?

Do not wonder any longer. He had deep connection with a mystic called Peter Deunov. Check him out

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 they saying lovin is all that matters, more than gold. Should I trust them, they appear to be wealthy and singing about how money dont mean anything just my lovin! Maybe thats why they are rich, cuz guys give up their money for them :D 

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I have had such things happen even without sleep, but honestly can't tell if it's just my bad memory. I guess I'll never know.

Describe a thought.

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@Nahm but i thought the word is enough. I keep repeating words as seeds. Love wealth health. Is it hard for the universe to get that I need money so I m able to survive in a city environment. 

But anyway whatever will happen will happen. Ive been shown that money do not matter so much, as does faith and God... Actually they are worthless in that place where I was tested as Jesus...

Ps: think i failed the test miserably ? too much fear and inability to decide.. Also I think the odds were way out of my favor and i am dodo not jesus. So i think I was supposed to fail.

There were 2 girls who were really disappointed at what Jesus they had been sent. I feel like crap after that one lol.

But they don't understand why but I think my fear is justified based on past experiences. 

Edited by Dodo

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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:


A thought which resonates, then four which don’t, is like one step forward & four steps back.

It just doesn't work, not because i say it doesn't in a forum post. How do you know my thoughts arent 5000 times "rich" and one time any of those negative ones. You cant know what my thoughts are just from a forum post. 

Like if I start posting just the words "i am a millionaire" its still not going to work. I need to achieve the money, otherwisw it would've already happened. Seriously i have had the thought many times and not even 10 bucks have been added. 

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Also had similar experiences when doing a solo psychedelic retreat, songs changing based on what I'm feeling, etc.


my personal website-actualized since 2015-just waiting for the day-we have the first guys on the forum

born on 2015 :P

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3 hours ago, Bittu said:

Also had similar experiences when doing a solo psychedelic retreat, songs changing based on what I'm feeling, etc.


in my programming trip I was able to change  youtube content by putting different words in the Iloveyou program that I had programmed :D It felt like I was controlling the internet. But i think it was just parallel realities

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Hmm .. just saying .. on reddit there was a pretty popular thread about someone who found yellow post-its in his apartment addressed to himself. Very spooky stuff.
On further investigation it emerged, that somewhere in his house carbon monoxide was leaking which lead to episodes of amnesia .. much like you describe.

So .. maybe you should get a carbon monoxide detector, just to be sure. Because if that's the case, it can get very dangerous.

This is the reddit post:

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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40 minutes ago, vibv said:

Hmm .. just saying .. on reddit there was a pretty popular thread about someone who found yellow post-its in his apartment addressed to himself. Very spooky stuff.
On further investigation it emerged, that somewhere in his house carbon monoxide was leaking which lead to episodes of amnesia .. much like you describe.

So .. maybe you should get a carbon monoxide detector, just to be sure. Because if that's the case, it can get very dangerous.

This is the reddit post:

I trust that this isnt the case. It must be just the craziness of recent events in my life. Perhaps can call it crazy awakening and now im taking pills because its crazy. So it could be the pills also. 

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On 11/25/2020 at 5:15 PM, Dodo said:

Btw if these things change like that what else can change and why isnt it changing. Why cant my bank account say 1million, not negative 1000?? Pls thanks 

Perphaps studying & experimenting with the occult for a year would help answer that question 9_9

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@Michal__ i had a realisation earlier today that I am an entitled little shit. I had just experienced hell and here I am again feeling like I am entitled or that I need to be a millionaire to be happy. How quickly i forgot that even walking in the street is a privilege that we take for granted. Having a simple walk inthe park is worth more than money can buy. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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