What is consciousness made of?

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12 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

What if the ultimate reality is something else entirely than this "thingness" they told you about? Why are you so sure that realizing existence is the end? It's just the beginning.

Do you think that God is not capable of creating such a perfect illusion? An illusion where you think: "That must be it!", but somehow turns out not to be it. You think you beat the game, but the reality is that the game got you beat.

Why am I saying this? Because there are questions that are yet to be answered. Once all the questions are answered, I will come up with more skepticism. If I fail to do that, I will doubt my skepticism, not give it up. Either way, I will not let the mind think that it got it figured out.

Kinda, but not really. I like to play around with different perspectives to poke around at those who are attached to one particular perspective. And it always pays off



You can't even distinguish between actuality and your thoughts. You are lost cause. 

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My Opinion:

Any Experience or Consciousness you are talking about is nothing but YOU, YOURSELF. Or you can say Consciousness is made up of YOU, YOURSELF. Without a YOU, can you debate or analyse anything? The only difference is that: That 'YOU' can be a reference from a Limited-Personal-Individual-Dual-Level, or it can be from a ReferenceLess-Unlimited-NonIndividual-Infinite-NonDual-level.

Only a Formed mind asks such questions. A Formless Non-Mind does not do such things. The reality, illusion, existence, non-existence, thinking, intellectualizing, debating, questioning, answering, logic & philosophy, all these are just mirages of hypnosis that appear after the mind has been formed. 

Just like a person can be hypnotized to make him think that he is a dog or a cat; Similarly, an individuated mind remains in hypnosis, thinking that questions like: "What is consciousness made up of?" or "Why does Existence exist?" are valid meaningful questions. Which in truth are just as meaningless as asking a question: What is that barren woman's son doing? There is no such "THING" called Consciousness or Existence out there. It is that which is itself, reflects within itself, for itself, by itself, to itself as Everything & Nothing. But, that reflection is just a Non-Existent appearance like that of a water in the mirage.

Consciousness and Existence are just words. They are useful only as labels or pointers. The word Colour and the actual feeling of seeing and experiencing Colour are two different things. No amount of explanation of the concept of colour is going to make the blind man understand the reality of colour.

Having theoretical knowledge is a good thing. But, be aware that usefulness of such knowledge lies only in its ability to motivate you to follow the Spiritual practices to directly experience the truth for yourself. Otherwise, such knowledge is of little use.

FOLLOW THE PRACTICES & GROW YOUR SPIRITUAL EYES. Start with a few minutes of Daily Meditation. I'm on the same path, yet to have a breakthrough.

Edited by PopoyeSailor

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18 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You can't even distinguish between actuality and your thoughts. You are lost cause.

That was an unusual response from you, so, ummm, I guess, LMAO?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Gesundheit if you can't distinguish between actuality and concept.. What can I help you? You can't distinguish between the bla bla bla of your mind and what makes your bla bla bla even possible. You can't have bla bla bla without THIS. But you can have THIS without bla bla bla. Choice is yours. 

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18 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

It cant know itself fully so it creates something in order to see if it can know itself from the "outside" but the problem is that nothing is outside of it so it cant explain itself, really a strange loop. 

Sounds really logical. At the end the material universe is quite logical, so who knows. Maybe there are many levels of reality, and the conciousness is only one of them. To say :no, I perceived the absolute and there is nothing out of it is silly, the perceptions could be illusory

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25 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Gesundheit You can't have bla bla bla without THIS. But you can have THIS without bla bla bla.

This may seem like a strong point at first, but look at it closely. Most of what we have is literally bla bla bla without THIS. Take mathematics for example, it's all bla bla bla without any THIS to it. Completely abstract. How do you explain that through your paradigm? Now you will say that the THIS you're referring to is consciousness/direct experience/being/God or whatever, not the silly things I'm talking about. But what do you know before your birth and after your death? Was consciousness there and will it still be there? And how do you know?

26 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Gesundheit Choice is yours. 

I thought I didn't exist and choice was illusory.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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9 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

But what do you know before your birth and after your death? Was consciousness there and will it still be there? And how do you know?

There is not before or after, when you die nothing is going to happen with you since you are not happening now. The universe is being generated now, creating the illusion of time. Ok ok, we heard that many times , but what is more deeper? I saw me like an adimensional point, only being that exist, in the cosmic loneliness of the eternal present. Is it real? Maybe it's only the point of the iceberg

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There is only one way to understand what consciousness is made of. You are consciousness. Look at yourself.

It's that simple. And no other method will work. Looking at yourself is not optional so stop trying to get around it.

It's like, you are willing to do anything to understand consciousness, except the only thing which leads to understanding of consciousness -- which is looking at consciousness.

So you will never understand consciousness until you look at it. Look real close. Look real steady. Look real deep.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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27 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

This may seem like a strong point at first, but look at it closely. Most of what we have is literally bla bla bla without THIS. Take mathematics for example, it's all bla bla bla without any THIS to it. Completely abstract. How do you explain that through your paradigm? Now you will say that the THIS you're referring to is consciousness/direct experience/being/God or whatever, not the silly things I'm talking about. But what do you know before your birth and after your death? Was consciousness there and will it still be there? And how do you know?

Stop with your smart assery and get this. THIS is all there is. All your bla bla bla are themselves THIS. Ideas and beliefs and skeptic thoughts about what is not THIS are THIS appearing as that. What death what birth what before what after?  Notice these are literally airy fairy tales not any less fictional than Santa clause. 

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

Stop with your smart assery and get this. THIS is all there is. All your bla bla bla are themselves THIS. Ideas and beliefs and skeptic thoughts about what is not THIS are THIS appearing as that. What death what birth what before what after?  Notice these are literally airy fairy tales not any less fictional than Santa clause. 

Nice circular logic and infinite regress.

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Physicality -> Consciousness?

Physicality <- Consciousness?

Both are suchness; what is, appearing to arise from each other. Interdependent; the same voidness, seen as 2 from 2 different perspectives. It's the perfect design for a believable reality.

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It's self-perpetuating and seems to always have been here, even when the idea that there is nothing was perceived.

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