
Why are you yourself?

17 posts in this topic

I've asked this on many websites and no one seems to really know, here people just say there's no you but that doesn't answer why '' you '' are '' you'' when '' you '' look at '' yourself '' in the mirror and not me.

Why do you see your reflection and not mine?

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8 minutes ago, The0Self said:


Yet you're bound as yourself and not me, who decided?


7 minutes ago, Willie said:

I blame my parents entirely.

You were just nutted in a wet hole and processed for 9 months, nothing to blame them for.

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6 minutes ago, Knowledge said:

I've asked this on many websites and no one seems to really know, here people just say there's no you but that doesn't answer why '' you '' are '' you'' when '' you '' look at '' yourself '' in the mirror and not me.

Why do you see your reflection and not mine?

Jim: “I see myself in the mirror”.

Peter: “I see myself in the mirror”.

Jane: “I see myself in the mirror”. 

The nature of the inquiry is if there really is self & other, and the hearing of the answer is said to be contingent on it coming, from someone else. 



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Your entire post is begging the question.  In the question, you are implicitly assuming a duality between you and me.  What are you identifying with?  If you are identifying with your body, then there can be no coherent answer to this question.  But if you identify with consciousness itself(which is what you really are) and realize that your whole idea of yourself vs others was one distinction out of an infinite number of possible distinctions within consciousness, then the barrier between you and I collapses. You are consciousness, and I am consciousness. Your consciousness and my consciousness are the exact same consciousness.  Of course the content within our consciousness is different.  The content within consciousness is never the same, it is always changing even during your current incarnation, and it will continue to change for eternity.  the raw consciousness, or raw sense of being between us is not similar, it is not very similar, it is not even almost perfectly identical. The raw consciousness that is looking out from behind your eyes right now is absolutely 100% identical to the raw consciousness that is looking out from behind mine.  

So when you ask the question why am I not looking out from your eyes right now, you’re already incorrect to even ask the question due to a misidentification with your body.  The fact is that you ARE looking out from behind my eyes this very instant as God - as consciousness.  

Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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Just now, Knowledge said:

Yet you're bound as yourself and not me, who decided?

Where is decision? In an infinite boundlessness, with no bounds, "who" and "why" is meaningless.

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2 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

So when you ask the question why am I not looking out from your eyes right now, you’re already incorrect to even ask the question due to a misidentification with your body.  The fact is that you ARE looking out from behind my eyes as God as consciousness.

^^^ :) some stories get closer than others to this.

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1 minute ago, Knowledge said:

Yet you're bound as yourself and not me, who decided?

On the time dimension, the 'you' of the past and the 'you' of the future exist right now. So why are you only aware of the 'you' of November, 2020? Obviously you are 'one' with your past and future selves even though you are not conscious of them. It's only a small step from this realisation to being one with everything, regardless of the apparent perspective.

As for why there is the appearance of separation, this part can be left as a mystery when the much larger question of 'Who am I?' emerges as a priority.

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Lol you don't get It. You are me. I am you. We're the same consciousness wearing different masks. If you identify yourself as the meat mask.. Sure your meat mask is defferent from mine. But if you look closer.. You are not the meat mask. You are the consciousness shining within the meat mask. This is easily proven when you go to sleep. The meat is there laying on bed yet "you" are not there so to speak. 

We are the same. But you can't have access to me. That's what It means for you to be you and for me to be me. If you would have access to me.. You would be me.. Which means you would have to stop being you and be..which Is exactly what me and you are doing right now. Tada! Lol 

Edited by Someone here

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You are an activity, not yourself. We can say the sky is blue, and believe it to be true and we can ask why the sky is blue, but it isn't blue at all. It changes. It also doesn't change. That is more true than saying the sky is blue. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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If I saw your reflection and my reflection at the same time, I wouldn't be me anymore. It would become a combination of you and me, which defeats the purpose of me being me.

In order for you to be you, you cannot have access to someone else's perceptions, or you wouldn't be yourself anymore. This limitation is what it means for you to be you.

You are me right now, but in order for you to be me, you cannot have memories or perceptions of your current life, or that wouldn't be me anymore

If God wants to become a dog, God has to limit his memories and knowledge to that of a dog, because that's what it means to be a dog. A dog can't be conscious of another human's life at the same time, or else it wouldn't be a dog anymore.




Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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1 hour ago, Knowledge said:

I've asked this on many websites and no one seems to really know, here people just say there's no you but that doesn't answer why '' you '' are '' you'' when '' you '' look at '' yourself '' in the mirror and not me.

Why do you see your reflection and not mine?

Because of separation. There has to be degrees of separation in order for the universe to have appearance. It’s the illusion that you aren’t god. Lowered consciousness to experience diversity of life.

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3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

It's the best seat in the theater ?

Like ? ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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There is a conditioned body-mind organism.

Call it yourself or not!


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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On 11/24/2020 at 9:04 PM, mandyjw said:

You are an activity, not yourself. 

Prove it.

How do you know that?

Edited by RealTruth

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