Eren Eeager

Best exercises you can do in home?

8 posts in this topic

What exercises that I can do daily inside my house for like 15 minutes for better health and energy? 

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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Shadow boxing is best.

You work the entire body and you feel amazing afterwards. 

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  • Dancing.
  • Find your favourite simple yoga sequence.
  • Spontaneous yogic dancing. (connected with the point below)
  • Feeling into your body and stretching. (connected with the point above)
  • Search online for prison workout routines.
  • Gyrating (consciously mimic the movement your body does, when you are shivering, and intensify it) - I found this crazy powerful physical spiritual exercise... good for muscle and you enjoy a trance-like state of consciousness (drumming/organic music helps):D 

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buy gymnastic rings? throw then over the tree and do the hundreds and thousands of variations of whatever you want


i started just a few days ago

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Yoga and stretching. 

I can't think of much. 

Maybe weight lifting. 

Maybe this. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On 24/11/2020 at 0:13 PM, Opo said:

Shadow boxing is best.

You work the entire body and you feel amazing afterwards. 

totally! I've now replaced my entire gym with a pair of 1kg dumbells & skipping rope. Back to my times as a kickboxer years back, love it. For some reason this sort of workout has always been my most favourite. Bunched with loads of burpees, jumps, pushups & sprints. 

Easier done outside but also possible inside (except the sprints :) 

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@Michael569 If you already know how to dodge punches skip this. But even most of the professionals I see don't know how to dodge so im posting it.

I love this because it adds depth and allows me to be creative. If I didn't know it and the shadow boxing was just punching I would probably get bored of it pretty fast. 

Plus you get great abs out of it. 



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