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Kalki Avatar

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Here you go guys. Pickup is good to certain extent. But it can also ruin your game if you dont know what you are doing and the fundamentals truths of attraction.

There are 3 paradigms. The first one is focused on having. This one believes in lack, externalization of your power and makes you needy.

The second one is doing. Its better than the previous one. Your focus power comes from your skills and action. You feel more in control since now you can manipulate outcomes. The downside is you can get hooked on momentum and base your worth (identity) on action and results. Which can come off balance when not necessary and needy.

And the third one is being. Your power comes from your inner core. Meaning, your beliefs, inner space, state of being and relaxation. The thing with this is that all your actions and thoughts come from a source that doesnt over invest. Whatever you say will be more attractive than the genius guy who plans and tries to impress by saying great stuff. Such clarity of mind and calmness gives you more power than the previous. This doesnt mean being very spiritual. You are just at the doorway of truth. If you become too truthful, your attraction will go down since the illusions you project on your behaviours and personality will fade off. So keep a neat balance. 

Something to remember is that the paradigm of doing and having "appears" to be more attractive only because their communication is based on "showing". These 2 are closer to survival. So only use them for short term if you truly need to survive. On the other hand, being is always the most powerful and attractive even thou it doesnt appear (invisible source) as such in the beginning. Do not get triggered if a guy seems to be getting the girl by being a clown or showing his possesions, while you wait for your turn in a cool manner. This will only show you were confident and your own source of validation. You can see then how girls loose attraction for these guys. 

In conclusion, be centered and relaxed in your own strong beliefs. Do all you can without leaving your center. Use your knowledge of game and plan, but never over do it. Spontaneity above calculation. This means some manipulations will have to be dropped. Giving freedom to her free will to choose. And use all your possesions, titles, status, etc. to your advantage, but never to show off. Let her discover these things by herself. Remember, eventhou its tricky and seems counterintuitive. If you are rich, strong and have some game skills but depend on these things and on the other side im unmoved, relaxed, centered, positive, confident and my own source of validation. I will win in the long run. 

Checkout his videos and I recommend getting his book. 






Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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Nothing new man. Same old Alpha male strategies. Every dating channel now boils down to these principles - embody dominant alpha male qualities in your beliefs and behavior. And only on top of them you can add being nice to women. If you are authentically nice, honest and good person without a delusional sense of self-confidence and self-love, you'll fly short with women. That's the core of Red pill.

10 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

And the third one is being.

If "being" worked with authentic self expression for guys, there wouldn't be any dating video on youtube.

10 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

This means some manipulations will have to be dropped.

Isn't dropping manipulations itself a manipulation? And what if guy doesn't see it as manipulations but "being" authentically himself?

Don't get me wrong. I agree with everything you wrote here. Just wanted to point how this "being" state is reached.

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@Haloman The channel is different from all else. It goes to the core of attraction from all angles. Short and long term relationships. 

Language tricks the meaning here. If you are self honest and you know you are trying to drop manipulations to gain something, you are still manipulating. But, if you truly let go of the expectation/outcome then is not manipulation. That is true letting go. And people can feel that energy off you. Is not common. 

The paradigm of being is gained through a constant practice of letting go. One must gradually reduce their attachments. Let go of thoughts, worries, emotions, expectations of others. The focus here is more self absorbed. The other paradigms are externally focused. Here you are self focused. People and women are not your focus. You dont try to impress them now. You improve yourself because you feel it. 

It takes some time to gradually make it something normal, since attention from the external and beliefs of "most have", are to be dropped. 

When you are on survival mode, you cant control your inner world at will cuz all your attention is out. When you relax you have new space to create/imagine the feeling-images (beliefs) (new persona/bubble/self-esteem) you want. And these ones can be subtly felt by others. 

What im saying can help to guide, but you will have to discover and get the feel of it through direct experience. 

This video can also help. He is working on a 4 part series. 




Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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