By Gesundheit
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
What are some practical ways for reaching and maintaining fearlessness/peace of mind in day to day life?
I've reached a point where I don't see life worth living except from that particular state. It really feels stupid to settle for anything less than that. Why live in fear when you don't have to? Right?
The thing is that the ego is standing in the way, and it's creating fear and therefore not allowing fearlessness. A lot of people have multiple facets and components to their egos, like greed, pride, fear, anger, etc... I think I do too. Although, I think my ego is mostly made out fear and attachment. I've noticed that when I dissolve the ego, I reach the state of not-knowing/fearlessness/peace of mind. But that's only easy when I isolate myself from people. However, as soon as I return to the ordinary life, I start losing awareness and my ego gets reborn. I've noticed that it starts with conscious fear, which im time turns into unconscious attachment, and then it turns into unconscious fear, which then will needs deconstructing to be let go of.
So how can I reach that state and maintain it for good? Is that realistic?