
Connor Murphy has Eckhart-style awakening

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27 minutes ago, The0Self said:

And to God, there is no discrimination or judgement. God "longs-for" the experience of anything and everything, and so that's what God gets.

This is true. Also, it is inevitable. The world of form demands duality. There is a necessary polarity in all things. It is not like God can choose only love, beauty, and order in the world of form. There must also be hatred, ugliness, and chaos. Each necessitates the other. 

Even at the polarities, God still infuses everything. The joining of nonduality with duality collapses into the incomprehensible reality that is God.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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21 hours ago, The0Self said:

I never had a following of people (certainly not online) to announce it to, but I’ve had awakenings like the one you’re seeing in him, like 6 times. They were legit.

They might be real, does not change that his brain is interpreting experience. 

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1 hour ago, The0Self said:

It's actually kind of simple: if the infinite knew the finite, it wouldn't be the infinite, because there'd be something other than it, and infinity is everything.

So are you saying there is finite and the infinite cannot know it or are you saying there isn't a finite and it's all the infinite? Then what refers to the finite? Also define your stuff first what Infinite and what finite are you talking about? These are abstract concepts they don't mean the same thing for everyone. Let's not  talk about them as if we have an idea what they mean. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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27 minutes ago, Someone here said:

So are you saying there is finite and the infinite cannot know it or are you saying there isn't a finite and it's all the infinite? Then what refers to the finite? Also define your stuff first what Infinite and what finite are you talking about? These are abstract concepts they don't mean the same thing for everyone. Let's not  talk about them as if we have an idea what they mean. 

Finite = limited; something

Infinite = unlimited; everything; no-thing; what is and is not

Knowing = duality

If there seems to be a knowing of something finite, it isn't the infinite (everything; all there is) actually knowing something finite. It's the infinite simply appearing as finite, not known to anyone.

And it's infinite, so there's no purpose behind it (if there were a purpose, that purpose would be it, not behind it, since it's everything), and so it has no need to be or do anything -- it's already everything. It doesn't need to be anything, and yet it is what it is anyway.

  • And by the way, this recognition may seem a bit pedestrian, but when it is seen, it can be quite shocking.
Edited by The0Self

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I remember after I had a massive kundalini awakening (it happened on a normal day without psychedelics 6 months after having 2cb induced ego-death), I thought I had a mission to change the world. I had all these ideas as being a superior human being, special, unique, sent here on earth to do grand transformational things that I alone could do.

Now 5 years later, yes, I'm more advanced on some things than others, but I'm still in some areas sorting my basic life. Yet, the more I dive deep into the spiritual practices the more my ego-becomes smaller and humbler. It takes time, years, to integrate profound awakenings. 

I think and hope this grandiose phase for Conn will fade away in due time.

softly into the Abyss...

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8 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

I remember after I had a massive kundalini awakening (it happened on a normal day without psychedelics 6 months after having 2cb induced ego-death), I thought I had a mission to change the world. I had all these ideas as being a superior human being, special, unique, sent here on earth to do grand transformational things that I alone could do.

Now 5 years later, yes, I'm more advanced on some things than others, but I'm still in some areas sorting my basic life. Yet, the more I dive deep into the spiritual practices the more my ego-becomes smaller and humbler. It takes time, years, to integrate profound awakenings. 

I think and hope this grandiose phase for Conn will fade away in due time.

Well said.   It is definitely I would say "Normal" after divine mystical experiences to want to awaken the entire universe!  But then you realize that the universe has do it for itself..  All we can do is gently push it in the right direction.  

Gandalf was very wise with his deep respect for the Ring of power.  He would rather let things unfold than wield the ring himself, less he turn into Saruman.




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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14 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

I remember after I had a massive kundalini awakening (it happened on a normal day without psychedelics 6 months after having 2cb induced ego-death), I thought I had a mission to change the world. I had all these ideas as being a superior human being, special, unique, sent here on earth to do grand transformational things that I alone could do.

Now 5 years later, yes, I'm more advanced on some things than others, but I'm still in some areas sorting my basic life. Yet, the more I dive deep into the spiritual practices the more my ego-becomes smaller and humbler. It takes time, years, to integrate profound awakenings. 

I think and hope this grandiose phase for Conn will fade away in due time.

It's normal after an awakening that the ego takes the realized Greatness of Consciousness and claims it for itself. The ego is so slick when it comes to defending itself.

Edited by cuteguy

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7 minutes ago, MrBON said:

@Leo Gura Would you say Connor now has shifted from orange to solid green?

I have no idea what's up with him. He seems unhinged.

Watch my video: The Dangers Of Spiritual Work.

I have warned you guys not to fall into the traps he's fallen into. This is how cults gets started. I hope he wises up before people get hurt.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I have no idea what's up with him. He seems unhinged.

Watch my video: The Dangers Of Spiritual Work.

I have warned you guys not to fall into the traps he's fallen into. This is how cults gets started. I hope he wises up before people get hurt.

I don't want to get involved in this but I must say I second Leo here.

Like Leo has previously said, spiritual work and teaching/leading is a great responsibility, and not an easy one at that. You can't just get on the podium and start talking and expect everyone to listen to you without consequences, sort of thing. There is a lot of Karma that ties up to you and all that when you are in the middle. You gotta be real careful cause one mistake could cost you... who knows what. Of course Connor here isn't in the middle although he thinks he is, yet again he is being listened to, so that is still an influence. One that he has on other people, and one that they have on him.

You must be guided by a higher intelligence while touching the world but without being affected by it. Is he doing this. It is up to you to discern.

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Like Frank Yang says, awakening and being smart are independent things, you can become conscious of the nature of reality while still being a trump supporter.

No doubt Connor has had a profound experience, as his best friend says in his video it doesn't seem to be an act.
If guys like Jake or Logal Paul awakened right now, no doubt they would be acting very similar to Connor here.

Which begs the question.. is the pursuit of truth more important than the pursuit of wisdom?

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8 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

Which begs the question.. is the pursuit of truth more important than the pursuit of wisdom?

@Mafortu From what I know, truth is permanent and does not need to be learned. It is already a part of us so to say.

But wisdom must be learned over time. Of course it is remembered, because we may have learned it in past lives etc. Or other people have learned it for us.

But yeah, wisdom is learned, truth is... is

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2 hours ago, MrBON said:

Would you say Connor now has shifted from orange to solid green?

My impression is that Connor was strongly anchored in Orange, got rocketed up to Tier 2 with psychedelics and is now a disconnected conglomeration of Orange / Green with random fragments of Yellow and Turquoise being randomly contextualized. 

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I have warned you guys not to fall into the traps he's fallen into. This is how cults gets started. I hope he wises up before people get hurt.

He has over 3M subscribers across his social media platforms. Based on the comments, the vast majority thinks he has gone crazy. Yet there are some that like the new Connor. He will likely lose a lot of subs, yet also attract some new ones into unhinged spirituality and sex. 

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I am seriously thinking in creating a thread about spirituality and craziness. It's not really craziness but that's what it seems to the "outside world".

Anyway if one wants to function well in the society it is needed to have some ground work and be able to incorporate all the insights and truths in a way that people don't think you are nuts.

That's why is good to do it slowly, and if you take psychedelics do it with a lot of respect and being extra careful, IMO.

Edit: I forgot to mention, I had insights without psychedelics that took me more than 6 years to incorporate and understand, imagine what can happen if you have a big insight into the nature of reality with DMT and no ground work.

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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they say any publicity is good publicity? this is not the best way to talk about leo's content

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On 11/26/2020 at 8:22 PM, Leo Gura said:

You wish ;)

Careful. You may regret it.

This stuff is no joke. You must treat psychedelics with utmost respect and moderation.

This is not the place to act macho and prove how tough you are. Psychedelics will ALWAYS out-macho you.

Consciousness is not all Love and paradise. There are realms of consciousness so horrific and sinister that you will forget that Love or God even exists. There are realms of infinite horror.

I thought love is all there is with no opposite?

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8 hours ago, joeyi99 said:

I thought love is all there is with no opposite?

It can still be love without you being aware of it. 

Kind of like how people already perceive reality without knowing it's all total goodness. 

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The horror realms are the inevitable nightmares of Consciousness. They are not unmanifested Consciousness, which is unconditional love, and which, according to its mysterious cadence, infinitely creates and dissolves every dream.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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When I was young I competed in bodybuilding, and most of the people I met into it are arrogant EGO infrated narcissists.

It's like looking like a greek god makes you feel superior of others.

When a narcissistic prick take psychedellics without previous anti-ego and mediattional work this is what happends, a semi enlightened guy who thinks he owns the abosolute truth and is  the god of gods.

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