
Connor Murphy has Eckhart-style awakening

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

yeah you oldies still stuck on AM, have a good sleep

I’m not that old! More like FM


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On 26/11/2020 at 1:39 PM, Forestluv said:

I hope newbies can get some group support including people with psychedelic experience. There is a lot of value in exploring solo, yet it can be extremely taxing. There is also value in being within group settings.

This topic would be a cool pinned thread; maybe a list of live facilitators, groups, books that can help you integrate. 

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3 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

yeah I also got it




Yeah, same

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@Leo Gura @Forestluv

Just want to clarify I respect the substance. However, I am not afraid of it. 

You know... Martin Ball did it like 3 times a day for 7 years.

Forestluv, what was your emotional state prior to the tinnitus? Also, I still don't understand you're insane asylum statements. Are you making a recontextualization of being on planet earth?

My tinnitus also came out of nowhere, I have no hearing damage. It think it is a vein or something. I am not sure I understand its nature. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Consciousness is not all Love and paradise. There are realms of consciousness so horrific and sinister that you will forget that Love or God even exists. There are realms of infinite horror.

Leo why does it have to be this way? I had a crazy nightmare last night I realized what you are talking about. Consciousness can materialize everything imaginable. This is a total mind killer. In the dream I saw how there is no limit to what can be created by consciousness.. Why just why? Infinity fine I get it but still just fucking why?!! Who is controlling this? There is no limit to what can created and experienced.. But why  God is such a fool to use his infinite power to create hell? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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 I'd suspect he's still looking through a shadowy orange worldview lens without having properly integrated green, yellow, or turquoise. Realizing such states of consciousness without evolving and integrating your world-view can be very problematic. 

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8 hours ago, The0Self said:

Hmm, maybe increase the dose, change sources, or get LSD-25. Just 110ug (used to require much more; up to 1000ug) of good LSD will get me to such a high state of consciousness that I can barely see the room I'm in, my body feels like it's the size of the universe, and I cannot even remember that I'm a human. Also, quite often, experience inverts -- like I'm God looking in at conscious experience rather than out, from infinity -- I have experienced a similar state just from self inquiry as well.

Were you practicing constant self inquiry, or just as a sitting practice?

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't know, but you don't want to reach that point. Trust me.

What if that's how the ego dies in a psychedelic? What if you are given the choice for permanent ego death?


I've been having a dream in which I also felt like I could make the decision to die right now, and it truly felt like I would physically die, stop breathing and my heart would stop. I always fought my way out of it. But I wonder what would happen if I did it.


Could be some advanced trickery of the ego to survive.

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Can someone please tell Connor to recover from his insanity, or is he fully paradigm locked as God in psychosis? 

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@Red-White-Light it's all good NOW :) 
So, everything is good with Connor too :P 
He just need some time to integrate and perhaps few video calls with @Nahm :D

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@allislove Nah man, he messed up his neurochemistry badly. That's scary, you're pretending that duality doesn't exist at all and things can't be bad. He needs a proper physiatrist and phycologist. 

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20 minutes ago, allislove said:

@Red-White-Light it's all good NOW :) 
So, everything is good with Connor too :P 
He just need some time to integrate and perhaps few video calls with @Nahm :D

But Good isn't different to being fucked up. Good includes being fucked up. Or thats what it seems forestluv would say based on his earlier comments xD

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56 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

He is manic atm for sure, love his goofballishness though.



This is why people don't take the idea of God seriously anymore.

Gotta be real careful if your mission is to truly awaken people. People are looking for any excuse to dismiss and discredit you already, and you're playing right into their hand by acting like an unhinged lunatic.

In theory, image shouldn't matter. In practice, it's almost all that matters.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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This guy is fake. He took less Ritalin that's where his experience is coming from.

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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4 hours ago, Someone here said:

Leo why does it have to be this way? I had a crazy nightmare last night I realized what you are talking about. Consciousness can materialize everything imaginable. This is a total mind killer. In the dream I saw how there is no limit to what can be created by consciousness.. Why just why? Infinity fine I get it but still just fucking why?!! Who is controlling this? There is no limit to what can created and experienced.. But why  God is such a fool to use his infinite power to create hell? 

@Leo Gura

Would you address this?  I want to understand why it is such that consciousness will dream hell if it's infinitely good and infinitely intelligent? Is it being dreamed randomly like consciousness can't help itself but explode all it's potential? Is there not a choice for consciousness to create only a limited section of its capabilities? Why am I a fool as God to create hell and torture myself? What's the point? 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Leo Gura

Would you address this?  I want to understand why it is such that consciousness will dream hell if it's infinitely good and infinitely intelligent? Is it being dreamed randomly like consciousness can't help itself but explode all it's potential? Is there not a choice for consciousness to create only a limited section of its capabilities? Why am I a fool as God to create hell and torture myself? What's the point? 

What's the point of addressing it? Anything he could possibly say will not be the truth, it will simply be a concept to satisfy your mind and make it certain of one way over the other.

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20 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Leo Gura

Would you address this?  I want to understand why it is such that consciousness will dream hell if it's infinitely good and infinitely intelligent? Is it being dreamed randomly like consciousness can't help itself but explode all it's potential? Is there not a choice for consciousness to create only a limited section of its capabilities? Why am I a fool as God to create hell and torture myself? What's the point? 

Consciousness likes to dream. That's what it does.

Why would there be any limits upon what one can dream? The nature of dreaming is that it's unlimited.

You are still judging good vs bad. From the POV of Infinite Consciousness all dreams are valid, interesting, and part of the whole. God is not going to exclude stuff nor eliminate stuff just because a human doesn't like it.

You can't really appreciate how unlimited and powerful Consciousness is unless you experience some of the nightmares it can dream up.

Your question is basically the age-old question of: If God exists, why would he allow evil?

To which the answer is, God sees no evil, but you do since you are attached to finite forms.

Reality is far too profound of a thing to make logic sense to a finite and fearful human mind. To understand God you must surrender all your judgments and attachments.

God is infinite imagination, but you are asking God to be something less than that because it makes you uncomfortable. Well, sorry, but God has bigger priorities than you personal comfort.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Forestluv said:

I’ve considered making videos of insights. I had 20+ years of substance free spiritual work before my first trip, I’ve been trained as a cellular biologist and have done over 100 psychedelic trips. That seems to be a fairly unique combination and perhaps I could offer some unique perspectives. 

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. ? 

Please do.

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