
My Self Improvement Journey/anxiety About The Future

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I have not posted on this forum in months but I feel now is the time for me to become more active here again....

2016 has been quite an interesting year thus far and I have been really focusing on my own self improvement/actualization. Realistically, I have considered myself in this "self actualization" process for several years now, but recently I really have felt and seen improvements in my life....confidence, familial relationships, dating, finances, overall life direction/career, etc.

I have been taking more action as well and reading much more, etc. But I am no where near where I feel I need to be as far as discipline goes to take myself and my life to the next times I still find myself falling back into old habits, mindsets, wasting time, etc.

But aside from all that, I feel that things have been "working out" for me both internally and externally. But I still struggle with the anxieties of not being as accomplished as I want to be and growing impatient with my progress, getting very irritated when I have/cannot shake a negative mindset throughout the day, etc.

And overall, more often than not I get very discouraged and worried about the state of the world, economy, humanity, life in general...and I feel at times that even though I feel I am on the right path, that the world is against me...or all of the sense that it is all a ticking time bomb and "why bother" pursuing my goals and dreams when I get stuck in my head wondering if/when the economy will crash, some catastrophe will occur, my parents will become terminally ill and die, and that all this work im putting into my life will be for nothing if everything crumbles before me (us).

Even re-reading what I just wrote seems a tad bit ridiculous, but realistically, I do not feel that these potentialities are that far fetched, and really could negatively effect millions of people, not just myself obviously. 

Any advice on how to re frame or accept these thoughts would be much appreciated.

Also, I have been doing Leo's new guided meditation daily and it has helped me a great deal thus far, but still I let my anxiety get the best of me at times.


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You didn't seem to have found your life purpose yet.

I feel I am on the right path, that the world is against me...or all of the sense that it is all a ticking time bomb and "why bother" pursuing my goals and dreams

If you're on your life purpose, you don't just feel it, you know it, you're it, and goals, that depends on what you call goals, but a goal can be achieved, a life purpose, by definition, can't (you'll always do it, it has no ending).

 It doesn't matter if you've fixed all your negative habits, and have good ones now, even if you crushed all your neurosis, it is still not enough.

Finding and aligning yourself to your life purpose, that's what you need to do, everything else will be secondary when you'll do that, and by the way, it's the only way to have true happiness.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Yea this is it.. if you really found your life passion you wont care one bit about how long the world will last or how screwed up it is or why and how we can "change" it...

All that the is. Is you and this moment why worrie about the last one or the one coming... if this moment you are in now is what you want then it wil be simple to enjoy it and fill the next one with twice as much ambishion...

But really the life passion and life purpose is what u should be always touching bass with. Ive found myself getting frustrated with the people around me like.. its like you trying to tell a multi story building full of people that there is a bomb in the building and they need to get out.. no one listens or cares that you even know that but why should you really... if you get out well youl be alive.. more alove than anybody that you ever knew.... so if your goin to die in the next moment or two.. so be it.... but what youve done up to this moment most people wont even have taught of doing in 10 lifetimes..... u cant unlearn what youve learnt dont take it for granted... that stuff is golden.. polish it of and find more haha  ?

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@gian HI Gian, I can't tell you how many times I have felt like this throughout my life and it took me a very long time to figure out exactly what it is I want to do for the rest of my life. 

One of my key successes was hiring a life coach and now I myself am a life coach and I love what I do. 

Another key success is having clear goals, having eveything written down and  having a deadline for when I wanted to achieve certain things. This gives me purpose and also following a daily routine. Sometimes we feel stuck because we have so much we want to achieve but we don't know where to start and instead of starting somewhere we tend to procrastinate and start no where. Then we are stuck wondering why we never get anywhere. 

I would pick out the goal that really stands out to you, number them from importance or which you want to do first and then make a plan and start executing. 

Hope this helps a little. 

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