Confused from this video

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Now before you guys lock this thread and trash this i would like some explanation. I have watched a few of this guy videos and it confused me. I feel like it is quite harsh and ruthless.  Leo says girls are loving and caring and loyal but this guy is saying that when he was a good boyfriend in the past girls dumped him, took him for granted etc. After enough pain from break ups he has never been dumped again.  If girls punish red pill behavior then it means he is lying? He claims he got treated far worse in relationships as the kind caring boyfriend compared to being stronger and more ruthless (but still somewhat caring). Or the girls he was with were bad eggs? Please if you intend to reply watch at least half the video before writting a response.


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This guy is one of the most sexist red pillers out there, I'd take what he says with a mountain of salt.


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You can be a total asshole and still be successful with women, the question is: what kind of women? 

You will attract only toxic, dysfunctional, low self-esteem, crazy women and i would advise you to stay away from such people.

If you have enough status, women will excuse all kinds of red flags on your part, most will feel attracted by you, but that isn't to say this is a good strategy in general. You can be successful with women and still be an awesome and healthy guy. Don't fall for the dark side, Anakin.


5 hours ago, MrBON said:

 Leo says girls are loving and caring and loyal

When did he say that? In which context? Women can be pretty ruthless and toxic too, but not all.


5 hours ago, MrBON said:

After enough pain from break ups he has never been dumped again.

Maybe he managed to deal with this pain from breakups but i guarantee you that he is miserable if he is a toxic person. Don't be like him, it is not worth it.

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8 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:


If you have enough status, women will excuse all kinds of red flags on your part, most will feel attracted by you, but that isn't to say this is a good strategy in general. You can be successful with women and still be an awesome and healthy guy. Don't fall for the dark side, Anakin.



Oh i like that :D. That is to much of overgenarization that all women are caring and loyal, i dont believe Leo has said that. 

 Yeah some of them are, some of them are not, some of them are caring and loving with you, some of them are not caring and loving with you. 

Thats is the same way to say that all men are caring and loving, but its that a true?

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They are caring, faithful, and loving as long as they are attracted to you, this isn't rocket science lol

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 minutes ago, Shin said:

They are caring, faithful, and loving as long as they are attracted to you, this isn't rocket science lol


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You can't base perceptions on relationships by watching a few videos. You never know the intention behind such videos 

The social media and internet is full of toxic crap especially for views and followers. Some of the stories could be exaggerated for views. 

Try to go out there and have your own experiences to guide you. 

Also relationships are a deeply distorted dynamic. It's not always cut and dry as s this gender issue or that gender issue. Every relationship you fall into speaks volumes about your own experience with life, your stage in Spiral Dynamics and how you view a person/persons in your life. If your own worldview is selectively skewed, then your relationships will reflect that. 

The other person is only one part of the equation. Two halves make the whole. You are the other half of the relationship. 

If you attracted a toxic partner, did you ask yourself why? Maybe the answer lies in the why. 

And this whole generalization is crazy. Let's say a woman makes a video saying most men are just toxic, would it work? It won't. Same way. 

Such Generalizations already set you up for failure with a negative mindset. Would you like to enter a relationship already thinking and assuming that the girl is toxic etc.. It won't work because your own assumptions might destroy the relationship even if she might be the best person in the world. 

For example, I generally attracted emotionally abusive guys in my relationships, not because I didn't want good guys but because I was a poor judge of character and gave my heart without thinking too much and being overly trusting which means I was an easy bait for Abusers. It took time and experience to recognize a pattern and then learn to consciously avoid this pattern, guys who were very persuasive and did a lot of love bombing made me easily believe their false ways of showing love, and this can apply to girls as well. 

Let's say a girl is being very seductive to you and gives you the best feeling in the world and you won't be able to tell if she is after your money, at least in the beginning. What if her intentions to be with you are all bad, it will take you time to figure out and sometimes it's too late. 

The thing is that toxic partners are not a matter of gender, of men or women. Easy to fall into the hate trap. Toxic partners is about learning how to avoid toxic people (no matter the gender) and making more aware, wiser and more conscious decisions while entering relationships. 

Also, some negative experiences are needed in life to grow, to build back better. To learn and then be careful. If life were a bed of roses, we probably would never learn the darker sides of life. 

Stop thinking about whether girls are good or girls are bad. Girls are girls just like boys are boys. They both have unique needs in relationships and unique problems. 

Do you think all girls are bad? Do you think all girls are good? Both questions are biased. The answer is good and bad persons exist in every skin color, culture and gender. Thinking in absolute terms is what's wrong. Rather try to focus on how you can attract better partners, how you can avoid toxic partners, how you can learn to detect toxic patterns in relationships early on, how you can develop yourself in a relationship and how you can sustain healthy relationships that you managed to create 

Real problems need real solutions. Throwing blame on a gender only keeps you away from real growth and real "work on self." 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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2 hours ago, evgn said:


Just like men :)

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I can easily tell he is toxic and shit but that is not the point. He says that when he was nice kind and caring girls left him and treated him badly. When he became more ruthless and harsh girls never left him anymore. So kindness and caring was punished in his life. I find this the opposite of what Leo says where he claims to treat girls well and that they are loyal and shit. I doubt a PUA will have problems stimulating a girl emotionally so what the fuck guys lol

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@MrBON you are seeing only what you want, I addressed those points in my previous topics, it is not rocket science. Girls don't like assholes, they like man with balls, which is rare and, sometimes, only present in assholes.

They hate nice guys because they can see the fakeness from miles away. This "kindness" is nothing but a fake front to gain something (sex and intimacy) from women and they can see this clearly.

I also hate this fake nice people, I prefer someone who is somewhat of an asshole but authentic. 



That's the point, stop with this "all or nothing" perspective, there are, literally, infinite ways of being. You can be a good person from a place of power and some girls will appreciate it, just don't be boring and spineless.

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It isnt black and white like this, the women hes dating never grew out of the highchool popularity contest phase. 

These kinds of people are highly unconscious and should be avoided. Jersey shore role models. 

Dont date anyone that spends the first hour of there day looking in the mirror dressing up and putting make up. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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