
Your Zodic Sign - Bullsh*t or Bullseye ?

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*This post was inspired by the existance of MBTI and the big 5*


I'd love to roll out an extensive research and personal thesis on y'all but actually I'd like to know what do you think about the "astrological signs", whether western or eastern or any kind that you know of. 

Imo it's mostly BS and stories as most things that come from popular culture, but I gotta say that I do see an overarching kind of personallity in people who share the same sign like " Leo" ( my brother) and Sagittarius ( my  father"s , my friend's  and my own sign as well) since these are some "signs" that I have more experience with. 


Since the solar system is somewhat cyclical, he time of the year you are concieved in, could affect in some say the way your brain gets scrambled together when you are born , the same way as a full moon may affect someone's sleeping or how a full moon affect's the tide or whatever. 

Also girls love this sh1t, so why not have a chat about it. 


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Your zodiac sign is just a small overarching fraction of your personality. Its better to analyze your natal chart to extract the nuance.

In order for you to do this you need to know your birth time and place. You can add your info into this free software for that and it will generate a natal chart:

It should look something like this, you can right click>interpretation on stuff to get what stuff means. You can click on planets, aspects, houses, nodes and most stuff.

Fun tip: When you find where your north and south node are, research a bit more. You might get leg shaking insights on your karma and dharma. Past life-this life linkage to be more exact. Its a gateway to another natal chart xD



Edited by Yog

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20 hours ago, Hansu said:

I never really cared about zodiac signs, but after checking out mine

I can say its, about 99% correct.

It's funny because for me many signs feel 99% correct hah. Overly generalized descriptions + proyection from the reader does the trick to make one feel like it's really describing you. 

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Pop culture horoscopes and zodiac sign descriptions are there for fun only. If you want to take astrology more seriously, you should study your natal chart. Your basic personality is best described by your Sun, Moon and Ascendant (their sign and house placement, aspects with others planets, conjunctions with fixed starts, asteroids, etc.). But you also have other planets and points that add even more variety.

I used to study Western astrology. What I found especially insightful was personality astrology and natal chart analysis, as well as synastry analysis (composite charts are quite interesting and I find them quite accurate). However, I wasn’t able to find any evidence for planetary transits affecting my life in any specific way (maybe except for the slow moving ones in some occasions). I don’t practice astrology these days any more. But there is definitely something to it. One has to be passionate and in love with astrology. Then it reveals it's true nature and potential. 

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I dont understand why its so preposterous to imagine heavenly bodies impact personalities, the moon influences womens menstrual cycle so why couldnt something else influence personality. Everything is connected. I do think we need a more rigorous science of astrology which I think will come in the future, right now its kind of waffly, when Stage Green becomes a majority value system astrology will become as normal as math. 

Edit: Apparently we dont know if the moon affects your period. I still think there is something to astrology though, Im not attached to it though, I believe personalities should be allowed to be flexible, be whoever the fuck you want to be and not what some horoscope says. 

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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7 minutes ago, Rilles said:

I dont understand why its so preposterous to imagine heavenly bodies impact personalities, the moon influences womens menstrual cycle so why couldnt something else influence personality. Everything is connected. I do think we need a more rigorous science of astrology which I think will come in the future, right now its kind of waffly, when Stage Green becomes a majority value system astrology will become as normal as math. 

But the real question is:

Can you do a double blind study about it ?

Where are your facts man ?

Edited by Shin

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Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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3 minutes ago, Shin said:

But the real question is:

Can you do a double blind study about it ?

Where is your facts man ?

*insert Leo snicker* xD *oh man*

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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13 minutes ago, Rilles said:

I do think we need a more rigorous science of astrology which I think will come in the future, right now its kind of waffly, when Stage Green becomes a majority value system astrology will become as normal as math. 

It already exists.  It's just esoteric knowledge.  There's the pop astrology of the Sun sign/daily horoscope, then some people dabble in reading their Ascendent/Sun/Moon, then less people read all the other planets in houses, then even less people know aspects, etc.

By the time you whittle it down, relatively few people can look at a chart and see everything.  It's serious shit.  You gotta have some basic math abilities and be able to research things and make conclusions about meanings on your own.



Edited by Haumea2018

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4 minutes ago, Haumea2018 said:

It already exists.  It's just esoteric knowledge.  There's the pop astrology of the Sun sign/daily horoscope, then some people dabble in reading their Ascendent/Sun/Moon, then less people read all the other planets in houses, then even less people know aspects, etc.

By the time you whittle it down, relatively few people can look at a chart and see everything.  It's serious shit.  You gotta have some basic math abilities and be able to research things and make conclusions about meanings on your own.



Yeah of course! But how it actually works, like physically, mechanistically. :) 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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4 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Yeah of course! But how it actually works, like physically, mechanistically. :) 

OK, I'll give you a brief version.

First, you must understand the structure of the universe.

Then, you must understand the connection between the physical and the archetypal.

(Written by a friend of Albert Einstein.)

Then you have to connect the dots to see how it applies to astrology.


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2 minutes ago, Haumea2018 said:

OK, I'll give you a brief version.

First, you must understand the structure of the universe.

Then, you must understand the connection between the physical and the archetypal.

(Written by a friend of Albert Einstein.)

Then you have to connect the dots to see how it applies to astrology.


Thanks! Cheers! ??????

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Mine seemed surprisingly accurate and I was very skeptical at first.

Interesting stuff.

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Why should it be unreasonable to ask for evidence of astrology? It’s not anything like enlightenment, I’d think that you could empirically test it. 

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@mmKay I'm not gonna defend astrology because I think it's bullshit but if you talk to the astrology crowd they'll say zodiac sign alone is nothing. What's important are these charts, and you need to enter the exact location and exact time of your birth. With as much as 30 mins or 1hr being a massive difference to how they'll read your chart. 


I talked to some astrologists to read my chart(s). Some of the things they said were true but some things false or a large stretch at best. One guy said the next 6 years of my life will be "self discovery" before my life enters a phase of romance or love for 7 years. We'll see if he's right, I won't be holding my breath or hoping so. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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God told me it's BS.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Stuff like astrology says things about you that anyone could identify with. Read what the other signs say and you’ll find them to seem accurate too.


 It’s basically a feels-good thing. Reinforces self love.

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Zodiac signs can certainly point to a certain personalities to some extent. It's not due to the signs or the animals but to the month in which someone is born in. 

Because the month you are born in determines how you are being treated by your parents and teachers. A child born in Jan-Feb are generally bigger sized than peers of the same year. They are treated as leaders of the group and are also treated to be smarter in junior school. Children tend to be precocious and arrogant. But things taper off after they grow up.

Those born in March are super friendly.

Those born in April are very hard-working.

Those born in June tends to take a neutral stand to most things. 

Those born in Aug, Sept are hardworking esp at younger ages.

Born in Nov, Dec tend to be followers when young.


But things taper off once they grow up.


Edited by hyruga

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