Striving for more

FLU CAMP UK - Is It safe ??

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I have applied to a thing call flu camp in the UK, attracted by the large financial compensation given as I could really do with some extra funds to bootstrap me and move my life forward.

I will be give flu shots for research and have to quarantine for 10-18 days, receiving up to £4000 ($5300) in return. 

However I also struggle with chronic insomnia, Energy issues ect... Which I believe may be due to heavy metal toxification and I am cautious of Flu shots and the potential harm they could cause and so I am posting to ask if these kind of trials and flu shots are safe and if anyone knows about this company.


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That doesn't really answer my question. The quick money is good enough to be "bored, uncomfortable etc" .. for 2 weeks, i'd plan to be productive on my laptop in that time anyway.

But I will accept no amount of money if it has significant health risk

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My advice - don't go for it, given your health issues. 

I get this feeling that your health issues might get worse with the flu shots. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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2 hours ago, Striving for more said:

But I will accept no amount of money if it has significant health risk

Do you really think you will be told? They'll ask you to sign a waiver, e.g. if you die as a result of the vaccine, it's not their. fault. It may be safe but are you willing to sacrifice your health (that, from what I read is not very good already) to earn some quick cash? Why do you think they are paying you this sort of money? Because it is a fucking risky business to be a drug tester.

I am not discouraging you, I just think you need to REALLY think this through. 

That is unless you have an existential financial crisis and you desperately need the money. 


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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