
Can your MBTI change, really?

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People usually say it’s something that you’re born with — something innate; it isn’t subject to much change, they say. 

Hence, wanted to know how fluid or stringent it is, in your opinion. 

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It's hard to say, cause the more consciousness work you do, the more genuine you become.

So the MBTI you had in the first place might not even been your real MBTI.

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  On 11/22/2020 at 9:20 AM, Shin said:

It's hard to say, cause the more consciousness work you do, the more genuine you become.

So the MBTI you had in the first place might not even been your real MBTI.

I second that. I used to be INTP a couple years ago. Eventually as I was becoming more and more aware I realized the T was caused by environmental influence and education and was unnatural. Eventually I became INFP and I feel that I am still transitioning towards INFJ.

In fact I think that MBTI status might correspond to the level of psychological evolution you possess aka everyone at a certain threshold is a certain MBTI type somewhat similar to the spiral dynamics model. We know that thought is a very limited and limiting faculty compared to feelings so why would you choose to prioritize thought once you've become aware of the feeling universe?

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It always fluid. The change depend on people character, states, emotional problem, etc when the time he/she input. In my observation seeing my friend use it. Friend that develop inner work can have different result each use in long different time. Friend that very cocky have same result. Another friend that have emotional problem have significant change result when use in different time (INTJ - INFJ). Myself that have PTSD and wounded metaphysical boundaries so to say.. swing more often (INTJ-T, INTJ-A, INTP-A, INFP-T). My conclusion all depends on lot of conditioning. Its flexible, but the more rigid people personality tend to be the same result.

Sorry my english suck.

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The only thing that I never saw changing (so far) is the Introvert/Extrovert spectrum.

I never saw someone who was introverted becoming extrovert or vice versa.

That might be the only thing you can't really change, everything else you might be able to train and embody.

Or maybe you become ambivert the more you age, who knows (not me that's for sure xD ).

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NO you cannot change your type, but you can develop your weaknesses and learn to use cognitive function combinations that are not the default. Any one that thinks there flip flopping all over the place changing types from INFJ to INFP to INTP have misunderstood the model and themselves. 

You can hammer a nail with a screwdriver. That does not mean your a hammer.


We use our default function stack to do a wide range of things.

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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I think people will have always have a clear inclination towards one type throughout their life.

Edited by Dryas

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No but that is precisely why the mbti is bad for people; it makes them justify their own bs. In other words it doesn't make you look deeply enough (to realize your bad sides, your neurosis even, etc etc).

Edited by Megan Alecia

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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  On 11/22/2020 at 4:33 PM, Megan Alecia said:

No but that is precisely why the mbti is bad for people; it makes them justify their own bs. In other words it doesn't make you look deeply enough (to realize your bad sides, your neurosis even, etc etc).

Ahah so true.

I see some fellow INTJ think that "hey I'm an INTJ, I'm supposed to be cynical, assholish and have 0 friends !"


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Well depending on how honestly or dishonestly you answer the questions (since the tests are mostly self-administered) you might get a result that is either reflective of who you actually are, or who you want to be.

As one gets deeper into personal development work and deconstructing the ego, self-honesty usually becomes a necessarily increasing trait.

For example I went from INFJ > INFP over the past two years of heavy investment in my own development, and I was already pretty self-honest before (or at least I'd like to think so xD).


Edited by Roy


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  On 11/22/2020 at 5:03 PM, Shin said:

Ahah so true.

I see some fellow INTJ think that "hey I'm an INTJ, I'm supposed to be cynical, assholish and have 0 friends !"



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Yeah pretty much how they think trying to fit the stereotype xD

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  On 11/22/2020 at 6:35 PM, mmKay said:

personal development did change me from intp to infp. idk about others

Maybe you always were infp, but were addicted to thinking, like almost everyone until they can be aware of being aware constantly !

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Self proclaimed Certified PhD MBTI Typologist here. 

MBTI is a very particular way of framing personality, you shouldn't be hoping or aiming to change your MBTI type for growth or self improvement. 

Second point, it's all so vague and open to interpretation that to take MBTI seriously you have to impose convoluted mental structures and mappings that in the end bear no resemblance to the structures you started off with and built upon. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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Environment changes who you are. Mentally, of what is required from you, who you hang out with, personality is a surface level thing. 

I would say MBTI is a mood thing. It describes me well at a particular moment (/timeline). 

But it is limited as in you wouldn't be one type strictly/forever. 


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You can guess someone's type but a brain scan. To changing your type from one to another you would have to rewire your brain completely. Brain is like an electrical circuit. As you are using certain connections between parts your brain the stronger those connections get.

To switch to another type you would have completely stop using old pathways - it's not going to happen. It's self stabilizing system. Every type is extremely different from any other type - MBTI doesn't say that but Socionics do.

Even enlightened masters have very distinct MBTI personality type. The only thing that can happened you can make your type milder by making more connection in your brain.

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It's not fluid at all.  One can develop functions but not change type, which is predicated on a certain dominant-auxiliary-tertiary-inferior function order.

A long time ago I was an INTJ with a poorly developed tertiary Fi, now I'm an INTJ with a much better developed Fi.

Has there been "change"? Significant.  Not change in type, though.

Edited by Haumea2018

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@Ibgdrgnxxv You are confusing external behavior with internal structure. Even if your behavior changes dramatically it doesn't mean that your type became different. Types aren't about behavior but inner working.

I'm going to give an example. Someone supposedly changed type from INTP to INFP. INTP is strong at extroverted thinking, INFP is very weak at that. You would have to dumb yourself in that regard to became INFP. How you are going to do that without a surgery? At the same time you would have to quickly became very socially aware. You would have to remove some part of your brain in order to force another part to start working.

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Just sharing a perspective from my perspective.

MBTI test results can change, but your personality cannot change in core (small adjustments are possible though (maybe, -just quesing-), which are caused by natural "evolution")

Why? Think about why it's possible to map out human personalities pretty accurately? What is the purpose of different personalities?

My answer: humans are part of the intelligent design and every different personality serves the whole in perfect way. Perfect balance to create what is. 

Q: What is human? A: Organic survival machine playing the game of survival. 

Q: What is personality? A: This machine´s hardware parts, like components in computer, (imaginary)brain wiring, genetics)).

Q: Why personality? A: It´s a design to help survive in the game of survival.

Q: Why there are many different personalities? Q:This organic machine called human is a social machine (survives better in group). Variety of different personalities is the most efficient survival strategy for this machine. Diversíty in personalities makes the group stronger. % of specific personality depends on what the specific environment requires at the moment. 

Q: Why is this? A: Infinite Intelligence Brahhh!

According to statics, ISTP is more likely to be male organic mahine, why it would be so? Why there are less ENTJ:s than ISFJ:s in current society? Exactly.


Dammit I didn't really answer what was asked, again hahahah sorry sometimes this limited organic Godmobile likes to analyze "too" much. (operating system: INTP)

Q: So, can personality change? A: I don´t know for sure. BUT, in my opinion it cannot change, its something you´re born with.

Q: Why MTBI result can change? A: Most of the organic machines are very disconnect from their natural operating system, the current environment is very prone to spread all kind of malwares into system, which causes  organic machines operate in"unnatural". (Like playing fps games on console, just doesn't feel right...) But, in the core every machines knows what is the most natural for it, it is this feeling, you know, feels fucking good and natural. -Authenticity- (CRT monitor, old school white keyboard and CS 1.6 aaahhhhh)

Yes psychedelics (especially first few reality shattering experiences) and other major life changes may "change" organic machine´s personality, but usually this is just a process of peeling off the inauthentic layers from the pure authentic core. 

This typing organic machine (limited godmobile) after almost 30 years, many trips, deep introspection and serious unprogramming, is becoming more and more being like that small kid, who enjoyed his time the most by building legos alone in his room :) 


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