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How to not get influenced by people around you

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How do I go about my day and interact with people x and people y who may have their own bad habits and baggage but still remain independent in thought and be my own person when I leave their company? How do I not let their attitudes influence onto me?

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Allow life to happen to you when they're around, reflect when they're not; maybe consume wise sources too. Try to gather valuable things from the interactions while introspecting. 

During the in the moment you can withdraw from them if you don't want 'em to affect you that much. But its up to however you wanna do it when it comes to id, because usually it depends on the person anyway.

Edited by Megan Alecia

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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For me, I find myself arguing a lot with people attempting to justify to them my abnormal outlooks and lifestyle, but when I reflect on it I realize I’m just projecting outward an inner conflict within myself of not fully accepting the ways in which I’m different. When you no longer need to justify to yourself why self actualization is the right path for you and you make it clear to yourself why it’s important, living among people who aren’t on the same path becomes easier.

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Just be your authentic self and have "I don't give a damn" attitude and you'll see you're less bothered by what others think. 

Try to be grounded in yourself. Hold on to your own set of beliefs. Don't surrender to other's views. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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For me what worked best is to be alone for a while if you can. One can be easily influenced by others if you are in their company for too long. Will power also is something that needs to be practiced day by day.

When I quit alcohol I had to cut my friends out for a while until I got used not needing to drink around them.

Also, take it one thing at a time

Edited by tricksntraps

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