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The difference between the Master and the Explorer (Love)

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Love does not need to be said out loud. Sadhguru doesn't need to know that Love is the substance of all things, because Love is the substance of all things. Sadhguru can carry more Love and amplify more love than all of us. He can raise consciousness because he is embodying Love, not because he is talking about it.

There is no need for him to use language to speak the words of what existence is and is not. His presence eminates love.


The difference between Leo and Sadhguru is the difference between an exploer and a master. The explorer will go and venture forth into the depths, but he will not be able to carry much of what he discovered when he comes home. When he comes home, his only way of communicating what he has seen is through words.

The master does not venture anymore, but his very being is adjusted to eminate Love. He has no need for language, because he is the walking Love. He is not carrying Love back home, he is the Love coming back home.

The explorer can show us where to go, but he cannot show us what Love is. The master can show even the greatest fool what Love is without showing them anything at all.


The explorer is a seeker who is selfish in his goal. He still sees seperation between himself and all other things. This is why he feels he must continue exploring. It is because he does not realize he has already explored all things. There is still a seperation, a selfishness, within his being. As long as seperation exist, there can be no peacefulness.


The masters know that Love is all there is, nothing left to do but giving more Love. Seeking love becomes obsolete when you are the one who is the giver of Love. There is no reaching higher and higher states of consciousness, because all states of consciousness already are. They do not need to be reached.



There is a time when the explorer dies and the master is born. Giving up the seeking of Love to the pure emanation of Love. The difference between Leo and Christ, Buddha or Sadhguru is not due to a difference of personality, but due to the difference of the maturity of their Soul. This has nothing to do with depth of realization.



The master has a clear intuition of his inevitable fate. This is why he can celebrate each and every moment of Life. He does not need to rush to Godhood, because he knows Godhood is already achieved. Whether he knows this or not is irrelevant, he can feel it in his Soul.


There is no dick measuring contest of who is more or less conscious of what, because the only dick to measure is his own.



The explorer will say understanding (another word for exploration) is essential to Love. But this is false. Love requires no understanding whatsoever. Love can exist within the ant which knows nothing about the world at all. Love gives rise to Understanding, not the other way around.


Edited by Scholar

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The master sees others as herself. Thus, the existence of the explorer cannot be taken seriously.

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6 minutes ago, No Self said:

The master sees others as herself. Thus, the existence of the explorer cannot be taken seriously.

Precisely, the explorer is the master who has not yet realized that he is. What a rude awakening that is.


What is more important is that the masters understood that there is no need to even realize that he is the master in the first place. Realization is unimportant. Thus existence was born. The ant, the tree, the ocean and the whale. The master who has no need for Realizations of Truth, because Truth is Truth whether realized or not.

No desire for the Unseen to be seen. Yet the Unseen eminates through all things, which is why it will always lure the moths to their own death.

Edited by Scholar

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The new Goodness video is a good example of this. Look how he is talking about a temporary realization, and how he is coming to us trying to explain to us that realization. That is a fascet of the explorer. Explanation can be used by the master aswell, but that is secondary. The master can embody Goodness, anyone who is not blind will be able to see the Goodness coming from the master. That is what makes them so attractive to the moths.

To the explorer it's a realization, not a way of being. He does not live in Africa, he is there temporarily. He is not an african. But if he spends enough time within Africa, one day he might become one, he might become part of Africa, rather than just a visitor.


Edited by Scholar

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@Scholar You live up to your name. You explained it like a true Scholar. 

A temporary realization fades away because we have not yet embodied the Real. Once the Realization becomes the Real, there is no longer a master or explorer but only Reality.

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