
How to forgive the "worst" people in society?

34 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Calling oneself selfish for not liking something is another Fake morality pushed down your throat by moralists. 

It's just a choice of what to dislike and avoid. 


Nope, it's selfishness not to love everybody . But still selfishness is a very wide spectrum, but for those looking for liberation , it is important to be very honest with thier selves. You must be gentle with yourself but still you must be honest too. There is no limit to selflessness. Transcend whenever you can, but don't force things on yourself. 

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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All the anger and Stage Red/Blue ideas these people have stuck in their heads is a negative reaction to pain. Just like your negative reaction and anger toward them is based on not being able to stand the suffering. You corrupt yourself in the face of living in this world of pain. Just have an emotional climax where you can cleanse, and then you can integrate the nature of the world to the fullest extent possible in reality.

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6 hours ago, Lyubov said:

it's easy preaching stuff like this until someone wrongs you on a deep level and you have to practice what you preach. 

No matter who wrongs you, they are still you.

Not so hard to see.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No matter who wrongs you, they are still you.

Not so hard to see.


If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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On 21/11/2020 at 9:24 PM, Lyubov said:

I find myself hitting a wall when it comes to this topic. I've grown out of actively hating or desiring seeing such people punished or such stage red/blue type reactions but beyond that I just feel indifferent. I almost don't want to feel any particular way about it or even put energy into it and I'm far from feeling foregiveness or love for such people. It feels like a blockage. I'm talking about people who are truly beyond saving. The most selfish of the selfish. Not people who are psychotic/unstable and do something crazy or someone in an incredibly desperate survival situation but those with reasonable mental clarity and means who plan and plot out their selfishness which causes immense suffering in the lives of others. I feel zero love and foregiveness for such people and don't have any good wishes to give them. How to overcome this blockage?

   Do you read manga? A really good series that has themes related to forgiveness and revenge is called 'Berserk'. It's worth a read, not only for the ideas, but for the quality of the artwork too. Sometimes gets you thinking deep.

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2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Do you read manga? A really good series that has themes related to forgiveness and revenge is called 'Berserk'. It's worth a read, not only for the ideas, but for the quality of the artwork too. Sometimes gets you thinking deep.

I'll check out the manga. I saw the anime and it was really good. 

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wisdom, understanding.

You think that you are above others and don't make mistakes.

You realize some of your mistakes, but stay judgmental  at people who make same mistakes

You realize some of your mistakes and you cut some slack, have understanding, empathy for others who make same mistakes

You realize that you are one huge mistake and you cut some slack, understanding, empathy for others who make same mistakes

You start to realize that mistakes that you have not experienced are just as possible mistakes done by you in other circumstances.

I don't want to continue because list is quite long so I will go to top and say this is  just basic pointer. 



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Forgiving people requires the ability to see the world from their POV.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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How to forgive the worst people in society?.... there is no people!. 

It comes to mind the story of the Buddha when someone spat on his face one day. and he came the next day asking for forgiveness. 

Buddha  said :“Well, why? You didn’t do anything so how can I excuse you? What did you do? What wrong you have done?”

The man replied, “Yesterday I spat in your face!"

Buddha replied :" That person is not here now. ". 

This is really a powerful way to look at it. 

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You know, I saw this thread like a couple days ago or something, and thought, “wth, there are people on THIS forum that can’t even forgive everyone?.” I’ve come to my senses. Forgiveness is a very beginner practice, BUT if you think of gears on a bike, forgiveness is gear 1, and gear 1 has a fuck ton of leverage. A hell of an opportunity! These “bad“ people are perfection, as is everything. Not to mention, they’re what is. What about them can you not forgive? Try to find it. It isn’t there, because nothing is there. There’s just what seems to be happening.

Edited by The0Self

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Genuinely appreciating the journey that another took is a helpful part of the process.

The goal is to return to the state that one was in prior to having been exposed to the 'worst people'. It is a matter of discarding baggage (and taking appropriate action if possible). If we don't discard all remnants of these experiences, at some point we will catch ourselves harming others in a way that is resonant with the way we ourselves were hurt. Only then do we realise that the enemy is ultimately a sort of viral energy, not a particular physical form.

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13 hours ago, Moon said:

Put yourself in their shoes. As if you were an actor, recreating their life story from young, including all the hidden parts and wounds you aren't seeing.

How were they raised? What trauma did they face when young? How did this contribute to their adult life choices? What caused some of their limiting beliefs? What lack of priviledge relative to you caused them to stay in lower stages? 

As the actor you truly embody their point of view and we're all the different characters played by the same actor anyway ;)


yeah this is helpful. I realize for instance if I experienced all the stuff hitler did and was in his position with his means and level of consciousness I would have very likely made similar choices he did. It doesn't make what he did "excusable" or not selfish or not to be held accountable for but it puts into perspective how anyone could have turned out like that and thus there is no reason to judge. 

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@Keyhole “I forgive myself/you for not understanding” is the root of all forgiveness. Infinite liberty and infinite just-is, for no one.

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@Lyubov Honestly, search and destroy mercilessly.

If protection is something you at all care about, then that's the natural response to a thought experiment like this.

Other than this is would be to download all of their biological data and screen the rest of the population for these traits and take on a pre-emptive strike in the context of change and revolution of their genome. That's only if the latter was a pure process though. Many people that are not brave enough to truly protected people that should be protect are brave enough to have the opinion that we shouldn't take pre-emptive strikes like the one I've described simply because they don't possess enough self understanding.

They are you, yes absolutely, but not biologically and biologically they're causing a disruption that is infringing upon your boundaries. 

It's an obvious response to people that would be just as merciless, because you're talking about the worst people, right? So yeah, stomp on em and throw them in the trash lovingly, that'll solve the love problem simultaneously as well.

Edited by Origins

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