Eren Eeager

I cannot seem to understand strange-looping.

31 posts in this topic

Strange loops often involve self-reference, which is paradoxical. Eg statements about "everything", or God creating itself. Nonduality is self-reference because there's no split between doer and done. Or like if I told you that I am lying right now, would you believe me or not? 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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14 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

How can existence not exist if you really think about it, how can existence arise from complete non existence?

Existence has always existed in one way or another, had direct experience of the immortal nature of conciousness and actually it was a hard experience cause it asked it self why and how is it possible?

Awareness exists and it is nothing and there is no how to it, we gotta come to peace with this, there is no why or how cause its always been there,  there is no opposite..

Non existence is imagined by this awareness, the closest you can come to "non existence" is deep sleep, yet deep sleep is the most peaceful experience.

If the only thing we ever experienced is awareness it self,  you can believe in a thing called non existence but remember what would be aware of that thing being non existent?

Awareness is nothing , nothing is this, and it looks like something, it creates a world and character in order to "study" itself but it will never find out why it exists. 


Deep sleep is not the most peaceful experience. The experience that comes after deep sleep is completed is.

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15 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

How can existence not exist if you really think about it, how can existence arise from complete non existence?

The existence / non-existence pair is a deep one, my thoughts around this subject are a bit hazy. Here goes:

- For me to make a statement like 'unicorns don't exist' I must first define what a unicorn is, and therefore effectively create a unicorn in my imagination.
- So I'm saying unicorns do exist in thought/image but don't exist in another realm like the physical reality.
- The statement 'unicorns don't exist' therefore occupies a dualistic conceptual framework. From a nondualistic framework, presumably there's no split between mind and matter, imagination and physical reality. Imagined and physical unicorns are just as real or unreal as each other.

I'm close to saying that there's neither existence nor non-existence of things in the nondual framework, just (being); but the paradox is holding me back. Perhaps I just haven't yet realised what existence/non-existence really means.

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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16 hours ago, Eren Eeager said:

What is the source of God?  It's source is itself. I cannot understand this specific aspect of God, the strange loop aspect.

When subject object thoughts in regard to consciousness or God arise, like my consciousness, my level, my state...his / her consciousness, level, state...or thoughts generally that there is a me or I and also a source or God.. is there attachment / ego / monkey mind  / concepts / theories around and or in addition to these thoughts, vs the apparent / illusory dualistic nature of thought already seen through and thus not even arising?  If that is the case, there might simply not be anything missed, just the notion there is.




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19 minutes ago, Nahm said:


When subject object thoughts in regard to consciousness or God arise, like my consciousness, my level, my state...his / her consciousness, level, state...or thoughts generally that there is a me or I and also a source or God.. is there attachment / ego / monkey mind  / concepts / theories around and or in addition to these thoughts, vs the apparent / illusory dualistic nature of thought already seen through and thus not even arising?  If that is the case, there might simply not be anything missed, just the notion there is.


? Nobel prize to understand this. ?‍?

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God is the nondual, uncreated, changeless, real consciousness that is infinitely diversifying, creating, changing, unreal dream forms.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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16 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

is deep sleep, yet deep sleep is the most peaceful experience.

is it even an experience?

how do you know it's peacefull when you are not consicous of it?


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@arlin We are conscious in deep sleep, and it is peaceful, we just don't usually remember it -- there is an induced ego death due to complete or near-complete memory suppression. But after you sleep for a long time you still have a vague sense of the time that elapsed. This is in strong contrast with experiences of anesthesia, wherein the moment you lose consciousness is the exact moment you regain consciousness, from your perspective -- as if you jumped forward in time in an instant, no matter how long you were anesthetized.

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It's normal to think that if the universe was caused by something, it must be caused by something else than the universe (something "outside" of it).

However, the universe is everything that exists. If something caused the universe, that something must exist, and therefore that something must by definition be the universe, which means that the universe caused itself.

Try to visualize what is "outside" the edge of the universe. It's just more universe. Therefore, every edge has to be imposed on reality. In reality, there is no edge. The universe extends forever in all dimensions. The concept of causality falls flat. Infinity is the ultimate strange-loop.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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