By SmartFixer_OceanJjb
in Mental Health, Serious Emotional Issues,
I live in the United States for almost 20 years but No I'm not American. I'm 40+. Married to an older person. No I didn't marry a rich person. If I don't work, I will suffer all by myself when I retired. No kids. I'm not showing here where I'm originally from cuz I tend to get prejudice when I say it -- from my experience. Also I have self-confidence issue due to my upbringing, verbal abuse from my father <-- that's what my counselor told me. I sort of 'escaped' from my family -- to an ocean away (US) all by myself. My only family is pretty much my partner, who is older than me. Oh I got issues . . . That's why I need to be self-actualized / enlightened.
As I wrote, I'm not young like most of the people here. I'm 40+. I'm desperately looking for where I can fit in. I hope this forum accept me.
Lately I quitted my job. This is my first time in my life that I'm not working nor going to school. I've been depressed a while. A month ago, Real Bad depression hit. I started small dose of anti-depressant. Since then, my mood never bottom down.
As recommended by my counselor, I started reading some books: David Richo's "The Five Things We Cannot Change" and Barry Long's "Knowing Yourself." Some parts of the books soothed me. But I'm not a book-reader, so I'm kinda tired of reading now. Started yoga.
I know I got to look for a job. But now, I'm like, "What for?" I lost motivation to go on. If I don't work and earn money now, I'll regret later when I retired. <-- Logically I know that, but I just can't motivate myself to go on. People will say, "Something good will happen later so you got to go on!" I want to know what kind of "good thing" will happen?
Reading those books, I noticed that 'something' changed in me. I lost 'material desire' and I became more careless for how other people think of me. I wear pretty much same kinda clothes and I don't put make up lately.
I'm an introvert. After quitting job, I rarely talk to anybody. The reason why I'm writing this is that I want somebody to kick my ass. Motivate me in whatever way . . but for what?? <-- This is my problem.
It took 1 day to write this post for me. Gosh I'm so timid.
Thank you for your time reading my long sloppy English.