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There's an inherent paradox within unity in which oneness becomes twoness. Nonduality becomes dual after becoming nondual from a different perspective...

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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Ever heard the expression "felt like time just stopped"?.. The answer is in the question...

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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inFinITy and BeyINd...

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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"Ever heard the expression "felt like time just stopped"?.. The answer is in the question..."

I had a thought today about time. It doesn't exist separately from the physical world, really time is just counting the cycles in nature: earth's rotation, orbit round the sun, pendulums swinging, quartz crystals vibrating, caesium atoms vibrating etc. Time is an abstract idea. 

Isn't consciousness/awareness like this too? There's no such thing as pure awareness, just awareness of stuff: that stuff may appear like individual objects, or the suchness of the whole unity. If there's no spilt between awareness and it's content, then it makes sense to say that reality is self-aware. Everything is conscious and physical at the same time - that was today's nondual ta-dah moment for me :)

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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7 hours ago, EmptyInside said:

There's an inherent paradox within unity in which oneness becomes twoness. Nonduality becomes dual after becoming nondual from a different perspective...

Its always there. both and neither. its just how you look at it. its not really a paradox. 

twoness becomes one = Oneness becomes two

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@snowyowl your mind thinks time exists just as  cause and effect, but everything happens on its own, for example, deep sleep is awareness devoid of objective stuff, so time clearly doesent exist, deep sleep is proof of it. It is pure awareness which is love and peace. Thats why we love to sleep.

But from deep sleep awareness transitions without a " YOU" thats doing anything into creating a dream character and a dream world without anything causing it, it is awareness which creates and holds differences within it.

So in order to experience something it has to create a mind and an "objective shared world" 

But know that you as a character can realize ur own unreality and whats shines forth is the eternal awareness that you always have been.

Awareness cant go anywhere, it is already unborn and can't die.


Edited by Adamq8

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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