
REM while awake

27 posts in this topic

I don't normally like sharing personal stuff in a public forum, but have grown to trust you guys enough to ask this.

For a while now, I've noticed this weird phenomenon with my eyes. It started during meditation, but now it happens when I focus spiritually, even when my eyes are open. It feels exactly like REM, but you are awake when it happens.

No idea why, or what is causing it. I know I'm not doing it intentionally. It doesn't feel like subconsciously I am making it happen, but I could be wrong. Could your subconscious make your eyes move like that? Just now, I tried consciously to keep my eyes from doing it, and I can't control it. I can slow it down, but not directly stop it, unless I re-engage my brain and start thinking about something else. Most of the time, while my brain is mostly engaged, everything is normal.

I tried googling it, but can't find anything. Just tossing this out there, in case someone else has experienced it or heard about it. 

Thanks ?

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Thank you, @Osaid. I can't do it at will, it just tends to happen when I am spiritually engaged. For people that have nystagmus, is it a constant thing or can it be triggered? Next time I get my eyes checked, I will ask my optometrist about it.

Just did a quick search on nystagmus, and I don't have any of the typical associated problems, like sensitivity to light, dizziness, or vision problems. Also, if I am just sitting here without thinking, it doesn't happen. It's only when I am meditating or connecting spiritually. Maybe my subconscious ego thinks it is a "guru thing" and makes me do it. I wouldn't put it past me xD

If anyone else has any experiences or insights, I would appreciate it.

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What exactly are you doing? Maybe it has something to do with from where you focus,  you are scanning trough eyes, you can try to change point from where you process information , from inner eye, or try to make vision field as whole, it might be that you have in a way tunneled vision which makes your eyes catch things outside of your narrow field, just a guess 

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30 minutes ago, Moksha said:

For people that have nystagmus, is it a constant thing or can it be triggered?


30 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Just did a quick search on nystagmus, and I don't have any of the typical associated problems, like sensitivity to light, dizziness, or vision problems. 

You probably just have a very mild form of it. Or it just might be something else entirely.

27 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Next time I get my eyes checked, I will ask my optometrist about it.

good idea

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:

I don't normally like sharing personal stuff in a public forum, but have grown to trust you guys enough to ask this.

For a while now, I've noticed this weird phenomenon with my eyes. It started during meditation, but now it happens when I focus spiritually, even when my eyes are open. It feels exactly like REM, but you are awake when it happens.

No idea why, or what is causing it. I know I'm not doing it intentionally. It doesn't feel like subconsciously I am making it happen, but I could be wrong. Could your subconscious make your eyes move like that? Just now, I tried consciously to keep my eyes from doing it, and I can't control it. I can slow it down, but not directly stop it, unless I re-engage my brain and start thinking about something else. Most of the time, while my brain is mostly engaged, everything is normal.

I tried googling it, but can't find anything. Just tossing this out there, in case someone else has experienced it or heard about it. 

Thanks ?

I feel like it’s hypnogonic visions, I have this all the time it’s weird you’ll get weird memories of stuff that’s never happened while this is happening or you think your doing something your not but it’s usually bat shit crazy visions 

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@Claymoree I'm focusing spiritually. It happens mostly when I am meditating with my eyes closed, but also when my eyes are open, and I am internally focused. It is my eyelids twitching, not my actual eyes. When it happens with my eyes open, my vision is still fine, it's just that my eyelids are twitching.

@Osaid Have been doing more research since your post, and it sounds more like myokymia than nystagmus, since it is only my eyelids that are moving.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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3 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

I feel like it’s hypnogonic visions, I have this all the time it’s weird you’ll get weird memories of stuff that’s never happened while this is happening or you think your doing something your not but it’s usually bat shit crazy visions 

Thanks man, have never heard of hypnogonic visions but I will check it out. I don't see visions though, it is more like a pure spiritual channeling, if that makes any sense. You have this experience of light moving through you. Do your eyelids move when it happens?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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5 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Have been doing more research since your post, and it sounds more like myokymia than nystagmus, since it is only my eyelids that are moving.

ohh I thought you were talking about your actual eye vibrating

I think eyelid twitches are a much more common phenomena. I have had it before too.

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22 minutes ago, Moksha said:

@Claymoree I'm focusing spiritually. It happens mostly when I am meditating with my eyes closed, but also when my eyes are open, and I am internally focused. It is my eyelids twitching, not my actual eyes. When it happens with my eyes open, my vision is still fine, it's just that my eyelids are twitching.

@Osaid Have been doing more research since your post, and it sounds more like myokymia than nystagmus, since it is only my eyelids that are moving.

Try to change up way how you focus , I think it has something to do with it , it might not be just whole inward , outward thing , but also it might be that you make some physical alignments when you focus that cause it.

In other words maybe try to test if you have  relaxed focus, or if you are doing some physical adjustments when you focus. 

Also another explanation is if you get a lot of energy, feels like static electricity is running trough you, it can cause it. 

Edited by Claymoree

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I've heard tale that it's associated with downloading  (fluttering eyelids) 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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I have been diagnosed with narcolepsy, so I know a little bit about REM sleep. If it's REM, you will be paralyzed for the duration of the experience. It's called REM atonia -- it occurs so that you're able to have conscious control of your dream avatar without causing your sleeping body to move, waking you.

Edited by The0Self

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@Claymoree It isn't uncomfortable at all, I just have never experienced it until after my "experience". I do feel a higher energy state overall, so that could help explain it.

@seeking_brilliance That is exactly what it feels like, but it's more like it is always there on the periphery, waiting for me to focus on it. Do you have any links, or have you experienced it personally, if you don't mind me asking?

@The0Self I think REM was a mislabel, since it is only my eyelids that move and there's no feeling of paralysis. I can easily open or close my  eyes when it happens. Dreams are a whole other topic, but that is something else that is weird. I used to have dreams a lot as a kid, that seemed to have meaning. Then I went for years without any significant dreams. This week, I had two dreams on Monday and Tuesday that had enormous significance.

?all of you, thank you for letting me talk about this.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha unfortunately it's just something I've heard in passing, don't know if it was on here or somewhere else. 

For some reason I feel like @pluto might be able to help

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Thank you, @seeking_brilliance, I will check in with him.

I'm curious for any of you that have tried psychedelics, has this happened to you?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Holy shit! This same thing started to me two days ago! I am just looking at something and bam!, My eyes start rem for a few seconds and it stops. Happened to me every time i was focusing on reality or being 'spiritual' as well. 

the hell! lol

edit: for context, like 2 or 3 days ago I have had a pretty big awakening (for me) into the nature of reality

Edited by Swarnim

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@Swarnim Sweet synchronicity ?

I have been reading about vibrational frequencies, and am wondering if there is a correlation with a person's state of Consciousness and their physicality.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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18 hours ago, Claymoree said:


@Moksha Is it your upper eyelids or also the lower, and is it unilateral or bilateral?

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@Corpus It is mostly my upper eyelids, but also my lower eyelids, and it is always both eyes. It also sometimes happens in my jaw, like my teeth are slightly chattering, and in my hands. Weird, but not unpleasant.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha Next time it happens, close your eyes and look upwards, hard, such that your eyes flutter to the back of your head. Try to experience the ends of each fluttering/flitting movement. What happens? Could cause a fruition experience.

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