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Appearances question

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Think about this: 

right now you believe there are atoms and particles in your hands but really that’s just concept and beliefs until you go looking and see the appearance which is the same as looking through a microscope in a dream . It’s just form but now imagine this. 

there’s a magician u see his magic trick , Is the trick actually magic until u figure it out or hw tells you? And it makes sense then . If u were in a dream and u saw a magic show the magician could later explain the trick and it would make sense and u would believe that’s how it was done even though the explanation was a trick by your mind to undermine the fact it’s a dream and rules don’t apply. 

when you listen to the radio are there really radio signals flying through the air? Or is that a story you made up to undermine u as the creator in the moment? Just a thought 

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