
How to awaken ONCE AND FOR ALL

76 posts in this topic

Taking answers from LIBERATED BEINGS ONLY. 


Stay cool & dry.

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Be conscious. And then keep on being conscious. It’s that simple. Can you do it?

I don’t know about the deeper states of consciousness tho so take it with a grain of salt. Just when I meditate I try to be with my awareness and my presence. I wander from that but notice and return. It feels quite awake to me even if I struggle to access that in daily life

 Can you do it? That’s the awakening I pursue.

Awakening experiences are fleeting. Don’t confuse that. What’s sought after is a change in your day to day life. Awakening in small steps is still awakening


Edited by from chaos into self

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First thing to understand is that this is a fools errand. Any method given is partial and may not work for you. It's way too tricky and each mind is a unique case. Awakening is almost always a slow process. 

However, there seem to be some general themes, just off the top of my head. Awakening can only happen through great suffering. Suffering is the catalyst for change. You must desire the truth and be willing to throw everything else into the fire. You must learn to let go of all attachments, and you must be deeply curious about the mechanice your own mind. Not everyone is meant to awaken because there are huge existential risks involved. You may not, and if that's the case, you have to be ok with that. There's nothing wrong with not awakening in your current incarnation. Enjoy it, have a family if that's what you want. From one perspective, everyone is already awakened. 

There are many degrees of awakening and awakening experiences. Not just a dozen, probably more like hundreds. The dial of consciousness goes way way farther than you could presently imagine. When most people talk about awakening, it's at a relatively low level. The higher ones aren't even recognized or known to be possible in most spiritual circles. 

I hope this helps. Many many techniques and methods can be found, and I would be wasting my time and yours by regurgitating them here. You must experiment and find what works for you, and no definitive list can ever, or should, be presented to be rotely memorized and unconsciously followed. That's the surest way to not awakening. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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You are already awake. Do you ever experience being asleep? Nah, even in your dreams you are awake. What are you? It's a riddle, not just question

-1/12 is Infinity 

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If it happens it happens. That's the truth.

Read my responses on a recent thread called "Self Inquiry" if you actually have an uncompromising urge to awaken that can't be quelled and it's killing you and you just fucking GOTTA do something about it, though.

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do the work

there is no shortcuts

Edited by RedLine

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Funny thing about enlightenment is that you have to realize there is no you to become enlightened, so who is getting enlightened again? xD

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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14 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Funny thing about enlightenment is that you have to realize there is no you to become enlightened, so who is getting enlightened again? xD


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Creating the life worth waking up to is the most lasting & woke approach possible. 

This is done effortlessly. Literally. 



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Challenge yourself constantly for no reason.  Ever stayed up for 3 days?  No?  Do it, you won't gain anything.  Ever been addicted?  Get addicted and go through withdrawals for no reason.  Ever been homeless for a decade?  Do it. 

Pick fights with everyone & lose as much as you can, being as pathetic as you can be.  Get everyone to hate you and make life hard for no reason.


This is the way.

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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I woke up last year in June. I wasn't looking for it, but I was kinda doing the practices. I have been kinda doing the practices since I was 16 yo. Since then I kinda knew there was more.

7 hours ago, The0Self said:

If it happens it happens.

I agree. You don't have control, is like a gift. The gift of awakening. I guess that if you are seeking it will find you but there's no guarantee.


Be careful what you wish for...





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@nitramadas here's what I'd say. There are tribulations coming in the future. Cold temperatures, hunger - you name it. I don't want to face those conditions unprepared.  Does that mean that I have to create a hell for myself before that? Idk. Just. Surrender and patience. All we have to do is just to leave the space for something bigger, something far smarter than our little minds.

Did you become a fully liberated avatar through this? Can you tell your own story?

Edited by Shunyata

Stay cool & dry.

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11 hours ago, TheAvatarState said:

First thing to understand is that this is a fools errand. Any method given is partial and may not work for you. It's way too tricky and each mind is a unique case. Awakening is almost always a slow process. 

However, there seem to be some general themes, just off the top of my head. Awakening can only happen through great suffering. Suffering is the catalyst for change. You must desire the truth and be willing to throw everything else into the fire. You must learn to let go of all attachments, and you must be deeply curious about the mechanice your own mind. Not everyone is meant to awaken because there are huge existential risks involved. You may not, and if that's the case, you have to be ok with that. There's nothing wrong with not awakening in your current incarnation. Enjoy it, have a family if that's what you want. From one perspective, everyone is already awakened. 

There are many degrees of awakening and awakening experiences. Not just a dozen, probably more like hundreds. The dial of consciousness goes way way farther than you could presently imagine. When most people talk about awakening, it's at a relatively low level. The higher ones aren't even recognized or known to be possible in most spiritual circles. 

I hope this helps. Many many techniques and methods can be found, and I would be wasting my time and yours by regurgitating them here. You must experiment and find what works for you, and no definitive list can ever, or should, be presented to be rotely memorized and unconsciously followed. That's the surest way to not awakening. 

Wise words good to see you back!



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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14 hours ago, Shunyata said:

Taking answers from LIBERATED BEINGS ONLY. 


You won't awaken.  God does.

That is how tricky this is.  Most of the path will be sprinkled with self-deception and ego.  But to awaken you must die.  That is why deep inner suffering from selfishness can ultimately awaken someone.  Or becoming directly conscious that you are God/Awareness via meditation or psychedelics. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 Many works of great artists and sages warn you from taking the psychedelic path. It can literally do more harm than good. 

I mean, please don't be a non-dual snob here. Are you liberated or not? Can you levitate etc.?

Edited by Shunyata

Stay cool & dry.

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