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Tim R

"Consciousness is a scary talk"

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Andrew Huberman was on Lex Fridman's Podcast, he's a neuroscientist.

He says "I'm happy to have a talk about consciousness, but it's a scary talk and I think most people don't want to hear what I have to say..." (link above)

Every (neuro-)scientist who hasn't completely fallen prey to the materialist paradigm will have to acknowledge this - consciousness is scary to them, because they know exactly that their current approach won't cut the mustard and because they know that consciousness won't be explained away with neurons and electrical impulses. They are scared because their paradigm is under severe threat - from their own direct experience. They all know what consciousness is (or rather: is not), they just don't want to admit it - because it would mean the end of... well, everythingxD

I think/hope that we'll be witnesses of a scientific revolution, psychedelics have (rather recently) entered the chat and they are going to dissolve our naive assumptions about the world and our place in it - so will Artificial Intelligence.

We can't dodge this issue any longer. Better to carefully open this new Pandora's Box than to refuse to admit what needs to be admitted and wait until consciousness ruthlessly kicks in your front door...

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I would say there's a strong disconnect in science between blind faith in rationalism and the "in your face" nature of consciousness. The irony is that consciousness has always been there and isn't going away any time soon. Science as it is is incompatible with consciousness - despite science itself being played out within consciousness.

57% paranoid

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