Leo Nordin

If you were to live like Buddha, would your survival somehow be taken care of?

45 posts in this topic

Let me tell you my story and the reason for me even being on this forum. 

Two months ago I "accidentally" activated my seventh chakra, didn't know anything about chakras at that time. Was just experimenting with life, and energy and such. Then my world flipped around. I had some confusion about what to do with life when I realised you can't be in these states doing certain activity, couldn't do school in such a state. So I went out of it. Then I for the first time consciously accessed the 6 other main chakras. The third eye took some more focus than the others, I think I stopped thinking anything when I had the third eye on. 

I just read this about the seventh chakra. https://isha.sadhguru.org/global/en/wisdom/article/sahasrar-chakra-inebriation-ecstasy

But I don't want to achieve enlightenment to death right now so immersing myself that dimension is for another time. 

Still I think following the will of consciousness I will do? As we all talked about. What do you recommend me to do? I will anyways find the answer for myself, I just want to hear if there is some good insight as I don't have much knowledge around enlightened people, sages, gurus or whatever. 

I go to school right now, have about 2500$ to last about a year in a homebuilt van that I am building atm. That's why I asked the question on this thread. Before I let myself free I am going to finish that. I could try to secure some kind of part time job, or volunteer a lot, or let go of survival and hope that my involvement with people brings enough value to get food in return, or stealing actually fresh food from dumpsters (stores aren't allowed to give out food that has expired however fresh), or trying to get support from family if I can...... Do you have any good idea? 

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@Leo Nordin what you are talking about is a very serious matter. It is one thing to be spiritual and another to get stuck in life. You have to take into consideration that you consume food, appliances, home, medical ... things that others have cultivated, built, maintained, studied. therefore you have to give something in return, and that something has to be proportional to what is received, which is a lot. how to do it without becoming a slave? This is where the challenge is. first you have to be absolutely disciplined and enterprising, and second have a fine intuition. the first is will, but the second enters into the spiritual. You have to know how to see the signs, what is for you and what is not, and try to reduce failures to a minimum as it is, because what they say that each failure is learning sounds good but is not fun. it is a fine balance and an art, almost a sport. for me it enters into the spiritual. but I dont think that practical advice can be given, each one has to find their unique way, without trust any external influence.

Another option could be to be really enlightened and flow without effort, sure it d be better

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall I will do it my way? It just may happen one of you write something that happens alters my way, and that would be beautiful. 

I am 17 years old, can't get a drivers license yet. So I will (maybe) wait half a year more before leaving school, but then I would only have one year left to finish. In school I only do what I need to do then I meditate every chance I get, though I don't touch the seventh chakra, I can't surrender myself to "love" if I need to do things like sitting quiet doing schoolwork. I will ask the teachers to have a place for me to meditate without bringing attention to myself. If I finish school I could work with young children and make a lot of money in a year which would let me quit and live my highest potential for quite a while. 

I am not going to finish though, it's too long, too much limiting myself. By the chance of zero there is actually a classmate in my class that sais she has awakened or opened her third eye. She has little attendance, fools around during lessons and limits herself to a minimum while barely getting a passing grade. If I don't limit my seventh chakra or enlightened state I wouldn't be here so I can't really do that as of right now. I only sit in stillness all the time. When I get home I work on my van.

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@Leo Nordin All the best, bro. At some point, each of us has to find our own balance between being and doing. There are times when we are more immersed in one dimension than in the other, but either extreme tends to be unhealthy. You have your whole life ahead of you, make the most of it.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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