Leo Nordin

If you were to live like Buddha, would your survival somehow be taken care of?

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27 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

kind of playing a dumb game with yourself by "helping others".

That is not so, you can call it a dream and think that there are no others but each molecule of your body has a plan, an intention. If an enlightened person teaches others it is because it is what he has to do, the same as another having children or being an alcoholic.

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What @Moksha and @Breakingthewallsaid about letting consciousness or your being or love or what you want to call it, do its thing, then would ones survival be taken care of somehow? As someone stated, how can you be so enlightened when you need to work? Is it necessary to interfere with the action of your consciousness on a day to day basis? Because then it would just be an endless loop of being boundless then not boundless then boundless then not boundless...





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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

It's like that chapter in Bible that said: look the birds, they don't worry about the food etc. You can't interfere in the willing of the conciousness, if you do all is going wrong, you must flow, if business are for you , they re going to work, if couple isn't for you it's going to be a hell. It's much better to see the signals , every one. There are a lot always, and flow with them. For me it's obvious and work like a machine, go down river, much more comfortable 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Well if you don´t go beg for food you will literally die.

Or how about be of some service to mankind and earn some coin?

This idea that money is evil while begging for food is noble is absurd and needs to be jettisoned. It certainly does not work in modern develop countries. Maybe it worked 2000 years ago.

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2 hours ago, Leo Nordin said:

how can you be so enlightened when you need to work? Is it necessary to interfere with the action of your consciousness on a day to day basis? 

Enlightened people don't lose enlightenment just because they work for a living. They are actually happier and more productive than unconscious people. 

Eckhart Tolle talks about publishing The Power of Now, and having no idea if it would appeal to any more than a handful of people. If it didn't, that was totally ok. He would have happily lived as a tomato farmer. That is what a modern Buddha would do.

Your only task is to stay Conscious. Consciousness is not going to guide you to starve to death, at least not until your dream is done.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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3 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

That is not so, you can call it a dream and think that there are no others but each molecule of your body has a plan, an intention. If an enlightened person teaches others it is because it is what he has to do, the same as another having children or being an alcoholic.

What is your reasoning behind this?

Have you asked God or Reality itself if it has an "intention"? 

54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Or how about be of some service to mankind and earn some coin?

This idea that money is evil while begging for food is noble is absurd and needs to be jettisoned. It certainly does not work in modern develop countries. Maybe it worked 2000 years ago.

I didn't meant that. 

My main critique is that you always define a Enlightened being as a being who has trascended survival (So far this is what Enlightement is supposed to be), yet it seems you justify that these beings maintain a survival agenda and you still consider that person enlightened.

See, even "helping humanity" is a bias of you being human. Why not "help ants"? If you have a human bias after Enlightement, then what did you really accomplished?

Not to say that awakenings can do a tremendous difference to make a person more conscious, loving, ...etc. Yet calling that Enlightement...hmm.

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he would teach people the "path"

and they'd give him sandwiches and liquids

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@PurpleTree  yes, if you're a good communicator and can speak to people's hearts and souls they'll come flocking to hear you - the danger isn't so much whether you will starve, but how to avoid creating a cult.

@Javfly33   For an enlightened person the survival motivation is service to others - Jesus presumably felt that giving up his life was in the greater good, whereas Buddha felt that a long life teaching the dharma was the right thing to do. Who am I to judge between them?  'Why not "help ants"? ' Sure why not, St Francis helped animals didn't he?  But I remember Leo also saying something like enlightenment doesn't automatically remove your bias and cultural conditioning, or give you emotional mastery.  Numerous sexual scandals attest to that. 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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36 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

What is your reasoning behind this?

Have you asked God or Reality itself if it has an "intention"? 

Well you are right , it's not sure. I had a powerful realization, I did 5 meo and nothingness, etc, but when me and the reality was constructing again I had the absolute certainly that all that happened in my life, even the smaller detail, was intentional. All was exactly like it has to be, and I see how simple is take the pleasant things that life offers me and forget the others. There was nothing to regret, no past to  visit. All was for some reason, but no reason that is comprehendible. Now I ve not that realization so clear , but I still remember the content. At the end, realizations are the only that we could trust

4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:



Edited by Breakingthewall

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23 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

@PurpleTree  yes, if you're a good communicator and can speak to people's hearts and souls they'll come flocking to hear you - the danger isn't so much whether you will starve, but how to avoid creating a cult.

@Javfly33   For an enlightened person the survival motivation is service to others - Jesus presumably felt that giving up his life was in the greater good, whereas Buddha felt that a long life teaching the dharma was the right thing to do. Who am I to judge between them?  'Why not "help ants"? ' Sure why not, St Francis helped animals didn't he?  But I remember Leo also saying something like enlightenment doesn't automatically remove your bias and cultural conditioning, or give you emotional mastery.  Numerous sexual scandals attest to that. 

The problem is each person has a quality level of what he considers Enlightement. I think categorizing in state of consciousness as lately Leo does, it's way more accurate and it avoids a lot of BS and self delusion.

What I wanted to point out is that I feel people use the phrase Enlightement too easily. Lots of people are way too stuck in survival yet you guys call them enlightened. 

@Breakingthewall thanks for sharing. That's interesting because I read several trip reports of 5-MeO where people report the same "feeling" you are saying. 

In my case my trials with 5-MeO it hasn't happened any of this. There wasn't any feeling of "everything happened in my life to get me Here". This seemed like a ego type of story to keep the control or feeling of importance within the dream.. But maybe I'm still a newbie and I ll have to go deeper. Who knows.

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There are monasteries in asia that will take you in if you wear a red robe, shave your head & meditation 10 hours a day. 

Survival will be taken care of unless you develop some diseases then you're on your own. 

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23 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

This seemed like a ego type of story to keep the control or feeling of importance within the dream.

Could be but it doesn't look an egotic realization, looks a deep truth, misticsl. Egotic have a different flavor, very characteristic

Edited by Breakingthewall

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41 minutes ago, Vipassana said:

There are monasteries in asia that will take you in if you wear a red robe, shave your head & meditation 10 hours a day. 

Survival will be taken care of unless you develop some diseases then you're on your own. 

Yeah, but the funny thing about that is that to do that kind of commitment you already have to want to let go of your survival pretty much : let go of sex, let go of fun, let go of money, let go of adventures ??

Although is a good resource to know about in case one day you fall homeless. ??

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

r how about be of some service to mankind and earn some coin?

Develop your Passion , do a service and make money... actualized.org. congrats

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31 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

let go of sex,

Let go fun, adventure etc, could be, but sex.....

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Begging for food is a full-time job. Might as well just grow your own food at that point.

Not in San Fran, you can get like $300+ a day busking there a few hours.

How does that old saying go to answer the op? wish into one hand and piss into the other and see which one fills up first.

Your survival is taken care of when you take care of it. Doesn't matter what you do. You can do it in a functional/selfless way or a greedy/selfish way.

Edited by Lyubov

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9 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

The problem is each person has a quality level of what he considers Enlightement. I think categorizing in state of consciousness as lately Leo does, it's way more accurate and it avoids a lot of BS and self delusion.

What I wanted to point out is that I feel people use the phrase Enlightement too easily. Lots of people are way too stuck in survival yet you guys call them enlightened. 

of course, 99.99% of us are unenlightened (incl me) so we aren't very good at recognising who is :) 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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Tip about long retreats: core and butt strength is very useful. You don't wanna have your back blowing out after some weeks. You should do a full, rigorous core workout every 3 days, or however long you need to rest between working out the same muscles.

Doing 5-meo every weekend might be satisfactory to you. It has the effect on me that changes my energy for some days where it collects in the 7th chakra. This making every day life a sublime grace. I've practiced quite a bit of kriya yoga tho so that might play in to it. In my experience, when your prana is in the 7th chakra it gets pulled out of the body an thus makes it possible to act from love instead of pain. It makes living life a sublime experiance.

If you feel like your life is unsatisfactory this might hold the key. I say don't become a buddha because you are unsatisfied with life. Become satisfied, and then, if you feel like becoming a buddha is your deepest expression of love then you can pursue it.

Edited by martins name

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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9 hours ago, Lyubov said:

Not in San Fran, you can get like $300+ a day busking there a few hours.

How does that old saying go to answer the op? wish into one hand and piss into the other and see which one fills up first.

Your survival is taken care of when you take care of it. Doesn't matter what you do. You can do it in a functional/selfless way or a greedy/selfish way.

Yeah, here in Spain is the same. You just sit outside a supermarket, and in 15minutes you can get someone to buy you food. 

Homeless, at least here, spend ALL the money they get from people in drugs, alcohol or buying stuff. Never on food.

Not to say that is a particular comfortable life, i wouldn't chose that life, i would prefer to stay in an ashram or just go to nature to see how time I can survive lol.  but just saying, it's definitely not a full time job .

Source: a friend of mind went homeless for 3 months

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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On 11/18/2020 at 5:53 AM, Leo Nordin said:

If someone had awakened and is now living boundlessly such as a Buddha. Without working for money but living for people and the world, would his survival be taken care of within little time?

With the collapse of the dualities of working for money vs living for people and the world, and time...Leo is basically the modern day example of what you’re talking about. Why not make youtube videos sharing your wisdom and insight? If it’s high quality and folks connect, they’ll share it and you’ll make money doing what (it sounds like) you want to do (living for people & the world / helping people with awakening). That’d probably naturally lead to opportunities to help people beyond the videos. You could start right now for free. I’ll watch it and subscribe and share it today. :) Assuming it’s reasonably insightful, which I think it would be.  The first video could be introducing what you’re kicking off, and why you’re not going the ‘typical route’. That’d be interesting imo. 


What if he didn't involve himself with people, but mostly observed and explored the world. What about survival then, would it somehow be taken care of? 

Inevitably yes. The more hungry, the less picky. 



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