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My experience last night

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I was on my bed last night (around 2 am), listening to Leo on "The theme of things going full-circle". I went downstairs to the kitchen to make some fried potatoes to eat. As I put them in the Air fryer and set the time for 15 mins. I went to the side and sat down on a chair. I started noticing reality. I intensified my awareness or focus more and more. I dont know what motivated me to this. But as Leo went on in my headphones, I noticed that there is only what is. There is nothing more to it. No inner world, no back of the head or any body parts or organs untill i saw them, only perceptions. Maybe not even perceptions, because I also saw Whatever is, may as well be just some Being, It isn't centralized around me. It's just something, and I am not even there. And it made stuff more fascinating. I felt like I was 5 year olds seeing the magic in the world. And I didn't wanna move my body. I am tapping into that again, and really there is no reason for me to type this. It may as well be to feed my ego, but that's ok. Anything is fine. 

my purpose of finding the truth or seeking it is just this now, if I sit down with no nonsense in my mind, I naturally start to inquire into the nature of existence. So it's really the only thing I CAN do. Maybe I am writing this cuz I want concretize that something like that actually happened lol. Or actually we can say, it never happened. 

EDIT: I read this post. This has started to happen to me. If you went through something similar to this or not even. Read this. 


Edited by Swarnim

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Good work! You're right on track. Keep going.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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