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My ex Joseph and Karmic Bonds, Karmic Debts and Relationship with Reality.

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I'm on a journey to understand karma and human suffering. 

This is a journal to document how Karma plays the most powerful role in our lives and how we are so ignorant to it. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I need to be with a man who is 


  • Not too smart 
  • Simple 
  • Not a player 
  • Not too selfish. He should a bit selfless, like me. 
  • Caring 
  • Very disciplined emotionally. 
  • Not a hurtful man. 

If any man is being hurtful, immediately reject him. 

Because hurtful means he is going to be an asshole. Before he hurts more, immediately reject. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Note to myself 

Remember one thing. 

That you're always creating your reality whether you realize this or not. 

You have two options. 

  • You consciously create your reality 


  •  You don't consciously create your reality 


When you choose the first option, you have a better chance at living a good life because you're being very responsible with every aspect of your life and dealing with reality very responsibly. 

When you choose the second option, you're doing a disservice. When you don't create your reality Consciously, you leave it to fate and that way reality is being created (automatically) unconsciously, without your permission in it and you're simply rolling with this reality and becoming its slave. 

It's better if you create it consciously. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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In a way the bad experience with Joseph was important in creating an awakening in me. 

It has helped me come out of my bubble. 

There was a Karmic exchange between me and him. 

We both have our Karmic burdens, Karmic burdens and Karmic Debts to pay. 

In being very emotionally connected with each other, we created a strong Karmic bond. 

It bonded us forever, in eternity. 

This Karmic bond. 

Because he did wrong things to me. He hurt me. 

In this process he forever became forged with me energetically.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The other important lesson I learned. 

Was that being good is not always a good thing. 

I was always taught by my dad to help people, to be there for people when they needed you. 

My dad was a very helpful wonderful man. He used to help a lot of people. I also saw him being taken advantage by many people. But he always taught me that no matter we should always be good to people. We should always help people. 

After going through a series of bitter experiences early on in life where my pet was murdered, I was betrayed by friends, my dad died after a long battle with terminal illness, my ex boyfriends took advantage of me both financially and emotionally, I realized that being a good person is not a cakewalk in this world. 

Often times growing up, we learn from parents and teachers that we should be very good to other people. I was raised in a very strict Catholic environment and I was always taught to be charitable, almost like a Saint. 

I don't find any particular problem in being a good person but there is a condition. I have learned that being a good person is not this rosy fairy tale that the world feeds you. The world tried to make you believe that being good is a very easy thing. Actually it's not. 

Being a good decent person comes with severe challenges. This is the nature of reality. Reality is naked and denying reality will not work. Reality in its naked form has to be accepted whether we like it or not.. 

Reality is that good people get shit on more often than good people and this is just the truth. Here I'm not trying to conclude that we should be bad people, no, but what I'm trying to say is that when you are a good person you should be made fully aware of the terms and conditions before being taught to be a good person.. 

Being a good person will naturally and Karmically attract a lot of suffering. People will take advantage of you. You will end up creating (without you wanting) a perpetrator victim cycle. 

You won't be aware that you are creating this cycle. It will automatically be created. You will get victimized for being a good person. 

An analogy that I can give is this. Being a good person is like walking naked into a very very cold dark wintry night. You will catch cold and you might even collapse because of the cold. 

Because being good makes you a vulnerable person unless you take proper measures to not let it happen. 



I had a discussion with forum Andrew that is DrewNows and he gave me a wonderful insight on what it means to be an empath. 

I'll write it here in some time. 

Continued. Editing. 

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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So this was my conversation between DrewNows and me on October 14..

hey i will reply back to your post on the martin thread soon, i am not in a place to socialize at this time. But i will say empathy is not the purpose of spirituality, compassion, that's the key, empathy can easily become toxic, enabling the dynamic of victimizing/victim-hood 




Replied: October 14 


I'll be sleeping now. Finished my Journaling for the day. 

I'll catch you soon 



Replied: October 14 

Hey would you mind just speaking here about it rather than openly? Do you see the negative side to empathy and how it can turn into toxic relatability? 

martin is a great empathic dude, but he is still seeking out and creating the unhealthy dynamic in his perception of others, like it's actually going to help them connect. Compassion connects, not empathy. Spirituality is all about feeling and connection not necessarily relation



Replied: October 14 

Yes I want to discuss. 

Isn't empathy the same as compassion 




Replied: October 14 

no it's not because empathy isn't necessarily "holding space" for someone to work out their own problems, it can be as toxic as jumping into their space to "rescue" them and in turn, teach them it's okay to be like crap "as long as someone like me is here to rescue you", and so they learn they need to stay in the low state until someone comes in to lift them up. Compassion is lending an ear, holding space but not taking on the energy of another. Does this make sense? 



Replied: October 14 

someone who has too much empathy will be used by energy vampires, they actually help promote the devilry they despise when it comes to manipulators and narcissists It's so pointless to look at these energy dynamics strictly from one side, because it doesn't get the full picture view, There would be no narcissists without the self sacrificers or selfless empaths. I myself am an empath, sometimes i lose all sense of boundary, people will easily drain me of my high vibrational energy. 





Replied: October 14 

Don't you think some people need rescuing in this world.

That if they were rescued they would do so much better. 

If I had godly powers, I would rescue the whole world in a heartbeat... 



Replied: October 14 

I'm a huge empath. It causes me to sometimes have mental breakdowns seeing someone suffer and being in their shoes. 

This has often caused me to get entangled with narcissistic energy vampire leeches who would then use me as a personal punching bag.. 

So I have decided to be vigilant and not myself to be used and abused and discarded. 



Replied: October 14 

Yea I understand your perspective of misplaced empathy causing narcissistic baiters to get attracted and start feeding on that empathy. 


I do see your point and it's valid. 

But sometimes let's say a person is in genuine distress and needs help and is not a narcissist. Maybe they need someone to understand their feelings and pain. Maybe they would feel better if someone understood them and also helped them get back to security. 

In such times an empath can be useful. 



  On 10/14/2020 at 7:11 PM, Preety_India said:

Don't you think some people need rescuing in this world.

That if they were rescued they would do so much better. 

If I had godly powers, I would rescue the whole world in a heartbeat... 


hell no, i want people to recognize their god given abilities, rescuing can be okay if it is clear we are doing it for us, not for them. THat it is not to be expected. once it becomes expected, that's when the dynamic gets toxic 




the birth chart called me the wise empath, i think it's because i have always been able to use both sides of the dynamic, and to block it from reoccuring if it's not actually supporting any longer. Sometimes i struggle too though, i lose myself because all my attention is lost in the people around me. you seem like you are learning well, but does it make sense why i would differentiate between empathy and compassion? Weak beings do need some empathy until they can take on the pain themselves but if they aren't willing to go inward, it's so foolish to play their empath

  On 10/14/2020 at 7:17 PM, Preety_India said:

Yea I understand your perspective of misplaced empathy causing narcissistic baiters to get attracted and start feeding on that empathy. 


I do see your point and it's valid. 

But sometimes let's say a person is in genuine distress and needs help and is not a narcissist. Maybe they need someone to understand their feelings and pain. Maybe they would feel better if someone understood them and also helped them get back to security. 

In such times an empath can be useful. 


thank you i see this we are on the same level, if someone cannot see themselves yet, they need be informed, this will often look like cruel/abusive type of behavior, but when it's given at the right time, it's teaching with a polar shift 




Replied: October 14

There was a time when i left home to live on my own and i would use my mom for emotional stability because i was too afraid to create the friend/intimacy dynamics out of my environment. Eventually i realized what i had been doing, and i felt so ashamed i completely stopped calling her for any "needing saving" reasons. Anyways, life is hard, i guess that's what makes it worth living, nobody wants to be handed everything. Not respect will be had




Replied: October 14


I have been a foolish empath many times. 

That's why these days I constantly use the word Vigilance in my journals to remind myself that I need to be vigilant of those who could use my empathy to feed on me. 




Replied: October 14 


Ralph smart just did a video yesterday about energy vampires. I am really trying to understand how energy is exchanged via touch and other forms of mental manipulation 

Yesterday i felt like i had no defenses. I am naturally on a high frequency because of my diet changes, transition away from dense foods, but this doesn't mean i cannot be in low states, it just means that i cannot store the negative emotions like others unless i consume food

I played in a soccer game for the first time in a long time just last night, but i didn't have the right mental boundaries to protect my energy. Naturally the high frequency is absorbed by the more dense individuals, so my energy was being leeched all game, when i got close to someone i was literally stunted, or frozen, then i felt awful because i was unable to perform well. I noticed my energy had been influencing all the energy on the field. Everyone was tired/exhausted, i had teammates at half time saying they felt like they wanted to take a nap. I felt so out of place, i didn't share my awareness with the team but i felt incapable of changing my mood/attitude to create solid boundaries 



Replied: October 15 


Yea energy gets robbed in so many ways. People leech off you and destroy your morale. 

When people manipulate you they take away your potential for life. 

It's hard to detect manipulation. 

But being vigilant helps a lot. 





Replied: October 15 

you’re a lot of fun to work with  

You know what really needs to be reconsidered/questioned? Ancient history and everything in the history books. 

on another note there’s a great older movie called “they live” and it’s fabulous rendition of the powers that be controlling society beyond the human mind. None of it is believable but it’s a great flick for reflection. The lower level energy stages are creating the problems we face in the system of societies today 






Replied: October 15 


You're fun to work with as well. 

We complement each other really well. 

Thanks for being my friend for so long. 

And thanks for understanding my oddities and eccentricities. 





Replied: October 15 

you have Pissed me off several times this year, mainly because of your emotional support of circle jerking within politics and against misunderstood CT etc.  

today I learned how I’m similar to Leo, as a Taurus moon I literally crave emotional support, he need the physical. When I don’t get emotional support I lose my grounding completely. His perception is quite rooted in love for the physical, mines rooted in the emotional love 



Replied: October 15 

@DrewNows  Lmfao. 

You're too funny. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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DrewNows (Forum Drew) taught me a very important lesson about empathy and some of the things he said really resonated with me. 


But i will say empathy is not the purpose of spirituality, compassion, that's the key, empathy can easily become toxic, enabling the dynamic of victimizing/victim-hood 


someone who has too much empathy will be used by energy vampires, they actually help promote the devilry they despise when it comes to manipulators and narcissists It's so pointless to look at these energy dynamics strictly from one side, because it doesn't get the full picture view, There would be no narcissists without the self sacrificers or selfless empaths.

Yes this is the answer I had been searching for so many years. 

Being an empath or simply being a good decent kind person attracts a lot of suffering Karmically because we tend to have less expectations from people and forgive people who do wrong things yet this same good behavior gives leverage to bad people to continue to take us for granted and repeat those wrong things to us.. 

It's important to be aware of the bad effects of being a good person the consequences of being good and carefully plan our steps. Too much empathy can be a recipe for inviting and creating a  toxic, enabling the dynamic of victimizing/victim-hood.  

I'm not victim blaming or victim shaming here. What I mean is its important to be a wise empath, not just being stupidly good but being a responsibly good person, not taking chances with bad people, not being too forgiving, forgiving only a truly repentant person, learning to hold back empathy, punishing people who do bad to you by keeping them out of your life, helping people understand that goodness and forgiveness should not be taken for granted, not being good more than what's necessary, not letting someone feed on your empathy, learning to be selfish when you need to be selfish 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Karma is creating fairness. 

Karma is bringing closure 

Karma is healing the unhealed or resolving the unresolved. 

Karma is bringing justice 

Karma is resolving the shadow 

Karma is correcting the unconscious or doing things consciously. 

Karma is your will 

Karma is what goes around comes around 

Karma is healing the imbalance and bringing balance. 



  • Karmic bond 
  • Karmic exchange 
  • Karmic Debts 
  • Karmic burdens 
  • Karmic 
Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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