
Magic mushrooms and shadow work

9 posts in this topic

Hi guys,

I have thought about starting to do shadow work and I can read through the forum here that psychedelics in general are great for working with repressed emotions.

Therefore, I have tried to google how to go about how to use magic mushrooms to overcome repressed sadness, but I don't see much information about how to do methodically go about it. Does anyone have experience using psychedelics for such purpose? I would love to hear more about it and eventually name resources, i.e. books, links, etc. 

You can send me a private message or just in the comment below which ever you prefer giving input.


Edited by Explore

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I would also like to see what people have to contribute on this topic. In my opinion though, sadness is not a huge shadow side aspect. Sadness is beautiful. Anxiety, and also manipulation, seems to me to be a stronger focus area for this work. Just my opinion, held very lightly.

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@The0Self Great point, I agree.  It may also be, that I am a newbie at shadow work and starting to get to know what shadow work entails. 

However, I see, the most common repressed emotions, according to Scott Jeffreys website (Great source!) is: 


1. Repressed Anger and Rage

2. Repressed Grief and Sadness

3. Repressed Shame and Guilt

4. Repressed Hatred

5. Repressed Fear

6. Repressed Desire

7. Repressed Envy

And below, he gives out way to examples of how to externalize and transmute the emotion through various processes, but no psychedelics are mentioned, so, I think there are great potential.  :)

Edited by Explore

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I would suggest orienting your relationship with the mushroom as a student teacher relationship. Treat them with reverence and intentionality and they will recognize this. Understand they can teach in counterintuitive, twisted, and symbolic methods that often times will not make sense until post or even subsequent trips. Ive had mushrooms teaching me things beyond time and space, like a mushroom trip beginning it’s preliminary teachings a couple days before the actual trip merely because the intention of the trip had been set. The mushrooms quite literally began their lessons beyond space-time. The specifics and possible metaphysical mechanisms for how this is possible is beyond the scope of my reply, but just understand psychedelic mushroom species are very ancient, and incredibly twisted teachers.

Mushrooms very much seem to possess a spirit of their own and as you work with a particular species of mushroom, the two of you learn more about the other. LSD on the other-hand seems to amplifying your own mind and emotions, whereas mushrooms seem to be a communion of two spirits, your’s and the shroom’s. Ive found contextualizing mushroom trips in this student-teacher relationship has allowed me to learn, understand, and integrate the “art” of mushroom tripping much more effectively. 

To ground this perspective in practical light - Ive been working with a species for about 3 months now and its moved into progressively deeper explorations of Absolute Love (among other things). The first trip felt like an energetic attenuation with the mushroom, like my body, mind, chakras and the spirit of the mushroom where feeling one another out in some sort of psychedelic dance/merging. It’s felt as though they’ve learned more and more about who I am, my intentionality, my traumas, my ambitions, desires, and even shadow elements of the mind and equally, Ive learned about their spirit and energetic orientation. The more I respect and work towards integrating their lessons, the deeper the lessons go. 

In this case, if you set out to intentionally start uncovering the shadow elements of the mind and your intentionality is of honesty, sincerity, integrity, the mushrooms will see and recognize this within you. Id worry less about “how” to use them to draw out x, y, and z and more about how can you surrender to them as wise teachers, how can you energetically, psychically, and physically open yourself up to their teaching style and lessons? How can you work with them not just in one trip, but over multiple sessions as the two of you learn about one another at deeper levels. 

Now I will say, this entire framework is entirely relative. It’s simply a context from which I personally use when it comes to mushrooms. You may not find it helpful. Furthermore, none of it is Absolutely True however you can think of it as a temporary vehicle to move you towards the Absolute or uncover the shadow elements of your mind.

Last tip I have - expand your perspective of trips not as a singular trip, but as an overall journey. You’ll start noticing patterns that emerge not out of one trip, but across multiple that only exist in a meta point of view. I find mushrooms to be especially like this because of their counterintuitive and twisted nature.

Edited by Consilience

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Set intention and dive the fuck in.

This ain't rocket science.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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In my experience with working through emotional blockage is that the emotions that are repressed are not really things on their own, but rather symptoms or something that is thought or believed. Don't expect to just cry because "there was repressed sadness" and it be the end of it. If there's sadness there is a story that makes you feel sad. It will take radical honesty to see that story for what it is and to truly question the reality of it.

If you want a methodical approach, Ralston's contemplation guide included in his "Book of not knowing" is very good. It lets you contemplate on any part of your behavior and understand what's the real deal about it. At least personally I would recommend this book.

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Psychedelics can assist in that when you wake up to being God/Infinite love these repressions will melt away because the self will be seen through and Truth revealed... you will have the most wonderful cry of your life, releasing all of it as you will tap into Infinite Intelligence and Love.   You will understand the cause of your sadness.  You will see through your own selfishness in every way.   Baseline consciousness will then be higher after the mystical experience.  Godspeed  :)




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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