
How to develop an amazing work ethic?

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I struggle with focusing, starting and finishing projects. For some reason it feels impossible to work for 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 hours a day. I get super fucking distracted and start doing other stuff and just can't focus or make myself do what I should be doing.

No, I don't have ADHD. I think the reason why I struggle with this might be because I'm an INFP with extroverted intuition as a primary function and that I therifor gravitate towards doing multiple things.... But there has to be a way to learn how to work hard regardless, right? What's your advice to develop an amazing work ethic and get shit rolling? What are some good books and recorses that you recomend? I would appreciate your help!


@Leo Gura

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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Read a lot of what Cal Newport writes. He talks about a lot on how to find focus in a distracted age.

For motivation, it helps with a long-term vision of what you want to accomplish. Don't look for motivation outside yourself. Your motivation should be strong enough to make you work past challenges that are outside your comfort zone and may be uncomfortable.  

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14 hours ago, Abdelghafar said:


Okey, got it. A more compelling vision But this doesn't seem to be enough. This is not the Only problem I Think, I just can't get myself to sit and work 5,6,7,8 hours a day cause my Brain get tired after a while.

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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13 hours ago, X_X said:

Step 0: compelling vision

Yes - I have that but I still struggle to follow thourgh and just put in the hours. What is step 1 after the vision to develop a strong work ethic?

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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I suggest joining a Infp group on Facebook and asking this question... That way you'll get answers from more people who share the same struggles. 

Do you daydream alot? What work do you do and why did you choose it? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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When the dream life of your heart comes alive it illuminates an unshakable vision in your mind. Knowing your dream, inspiration is so intrinsic, so organically & profoundly moving that what you presently ‘need’ to do is reborn anew & revealed to be the very adventure of what you love to do. An action as simple as brushing your teeth is saturated with success & satisfaction, taking the garbage out is an ineffable miracle. Should you ever find you’ve imagined yourself into such a fantasy, proceed pragmatically & accordingly



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23 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

I suggest joining a Infp group on Facebook and asking this question... That way you'll get answers from more people who share the same struggles. 

That maybe would be something, thanks for the tip!


Do you daydream alot? What work do you do and why did you choose it? 

Yes I do. I am unemployed right now but I am studying for to a test to attend university. I'm 19 years old.

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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21 hours ago, Nahm said:


When the dream life of your heart comes alive it illuminates an unshakable vision in your mind. Knowing your dream, inspiration is so intrinsic, so organically & profoundly moving that what you presently ‘need’ to do is reborn anew & revealed to be the very adventure of what you love to do. An action as simple as brushing your teeth is saturated with success & satisfaction, taking the garbage out is an ineffable miracle. Should you ever find you’ve imagined yourself into such a fantasy, proceed pragmatically & accordingly

Still trying to build and refine this vision. I'm about to complete Leo's life purpose course and I feel the thrill, but I still struggle to discipline myself the way I want. ( maybe it's all fine, but it feels like some people can motivate and stick to tasks very fucking good - and I struggle with that)

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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2 hours ago, Tim Ho said:

Try setting up goals.  Start your day thinking about what you want accomplish for that day.  Get exciting about finishing your goal.  Think it as a challenge, a game.  It will fail at first ? but try again the next.  It will get better each day, just like playing video games.

Set up a longer term goal for a week as well.  

More importantly, start to Meditate.  I think it will help you.

Yes, that's what I've been trying for two days now and it works quite okey. I should look into doing weekly goals aswell. 

I meditate and do breathing exercises for 50 min every day,  it helps a lot. Working hard I have figured is kinda like meditation, just pu your attention back to the thing you want to do. Thanks for your help Tim!

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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Read 'The War of Art' by Steven Pressfield to understand how to deal with resistance. 

Or read 'The success principles' to understand the success framework.

Edited by hyruga

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