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Beginner Mind

The Miracle of Allowing Everything To Be As It Is

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Perhaps the most obvious, most well-known spiritual teaching around is the teaching on allowing everything to be as it is.  In fact, it's so obvious I debated whether it was even worth writing this post, as I'm quite sure 99.9% of you are well aware of this teaching.

I was first introduced to this pointer about ten years ago, and at the time I thought to myself, "Sure, whatever, allow everything to be, that sounds nice and spiritual."  It was basically ignored, put on the back-burner in favor of sexier, more complicated spiritual teachings.  It was only recently, after becoming exhausted from suffering, that I finally decided to put this teaching to the test.

And so, sitting in meditation, listening to a guided meditation from Adyashanti, I let go of trying to meditate well, let go of the meditator himself, and simply allowed everything to be as it is.  After a few minutes of doing so, the miracle of this practice was revealed to me: a spaciousness, an open, empty, peaceful presence made itself known: Myself, my true nature as Spacious Presence.  Surprising at first, this peace.  A peace that has always been available, but was simply neglected due to ignorance, due to a steady underlying resistance to the flow of life.  Everything we have ever longed for is totally available to us in the relinquishment of resistance.

From Rupert Spira, to Adyashanti and Eckhart Tolle, this teaching on allowing everything to be as it is has been echoed throughout the spiritual landscape.  If you haven't tried it out for yourself yet, my invitation to you is to do so at your earliest convenience.  Just sit down in meditation and simply allow everything to be as it is.  Drop all efforts to meditate well, all efforts to achieve a certain result, and simply let things be as they already are.

This is the miracle I have discovered.  The secret to peace and happiness.  The secret to life itself.

Peace.  And much love to you all.

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Nice! A pretty awesome plateau-busting meditation pointer is "meditate poorly." ;)

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I get a good chuckle whenever it occurs to me that the only thing I ever do is 'be myself', and I never have to try to do it. :) 


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@Beginner Mind Isn't sanity beautiful? xD

When you focus your mind like a one-pointed star on this, suffering dissolves. Why didn't we learn it sooner? Maybe because we hadn't suffered enough, or meditated enough, or taken enough psychedelics, or...enough with the enough, and let it be.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha Sanity is where it's at brotha! :) And yes, at least for me it seems there needed to be just the right amount of suffering to bring me to this place of surrender.

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You can even «do» it 24/24, what a convenience ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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