
The self-indulgence of spiritual work

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I see people interested in spirituality only repeating a handful of ideas, like: consciousness is all there is, world is an illusion, time doesn't exist, we are God, etc. And that's pretty much all they say and they seem satisfied with these few ideas. Why do they stop there ? There are millions of philosophy pages written by thousands of philosophers that really do deep work into such problems. Why nobody read those philosophers and instead become self-satisfied with just a handful of flower-power sounding ideas ?

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@Cosmin_Visan LOL, if you knew what conciousness was you would not post this thread. 

Do you think this is philosophy? I can assure you it is not.

Conciousness is all that there is period.

But we can still talk about the relative and what conciousness can do , thats the fun part about it.

But at the same time there is no one to do anything.

There is no separation between anything, awareness is aware of it self as it self and thats all that there is, but to call it anything is to put a limit on it.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Cosmin_Visan this is not about a belief or anything like it, this is serious shit.

This path is the most difficult to go through ever.

Your whole reality will crumble. 

It aint all sunshine and rainbows and flower power.

But the Truth is what matters.

But ultimately reality is a mysterious thing

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Cosmin_Visan 'Flower power sounding ideas'? Don't make a mockery of things that you clearly have had no direct experience of. You will be weeping for forgiveness when Infinity dissolves your entire life and everything you believe to be true. When you realise yourself as Eternal God Infinity, all written philosophy becomes utterly meaningless and quite frankly useless. 

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@Space Indeed!

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Cosmin_Visan I hear what you say, and can sympathise. The problem (forgive me for assuming the right to speak for you) with a forum such as this is that it is limited in being able to "teach" in a way that is universally effective, and the phrases which this place is replete with only make any kind of sense beyond ones instinctual rejection/perplexity once some work has been done. It kind of "gives the answers" without showing the proofs, and there is a good reason for this which only becomes clear when some of the work is done.

If you are interested (and it is incredibly worthwhile an endeavour IMO), a good place to make some preliminary enquiries would be to look into the philosophy of language and its limitations. Remember, all of your inner chatter is composed of language so getting a handle on this would be very useful.

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48 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

Conciousness is all that there is period.


Of course consciousness is all there is. But beyond this, do you have anything else of value to bring to the table ? For example, can you deduce the laws of physics from the laws of consciousness ? This is where the real value of these attempts lie. Not in just repeating some trivial ideas all the time.

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16 minutes ago, Corpus said:

If you are interested (and it is incredibly worthwhile an endeavour IMO), a good place to make some preliminary enquiries would be to look into the philosophy of language and its limitations. Remember, all of your inner chatter is composed of language so getting a handle on this would be very useful.

Can you recommend a philosophy of language book that addresses these issues ?

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@Cosmin_Visan Not interested in it at all, all I see is conciousness doing its thing =) 

It is a dream anyhow.

But I do admire that you do this kind of thing mate :)

Edited by Adamq8

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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17 minutes ago, Cosmin_Visan said:

Of course consciousness is all there is. But beyond this, do you have anything else of value to bring to the table ? For example, can you deduce the laws of physics from the laws of consciousness ? This is where the real value of these attempts lie. Not in just repeating some trivial ideas all the time.

I do agree with you somewhat.

It's a bit annoying/boring if many here just parrot some of these statements over and over

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6 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

It is a dream anyhow.

This dogma that is just a dream doesn't work. And the reason is that even nighttime dreams are not just dreams. Usually telepathies mostly happen in nighttime dreams. So even those dreams are not just imagined by your own consciousness, but are created jointly by multiple consciousnesses. So, no, is not just a dream. There are rules for how reality is constructed. And if you are not interested to understand these rules, then you are not awakened as you like yourself to consider. You are faaaar from it.

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'Multiple consciousnesses' are just more concepts within the dream (within the dream).

'Awakening' brings about a transcending of the dream, all constructs inside the dream are seen for what they truly are.

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1 minute ago, Chris365 said:

'Multiple consciousnesses' are just more concepts within the dream (within the dream).

That's a dangerous thought to have. With such a thought you can start killing people and justify to yourself that they were all just concepts in your imagination. Be careful entertaining such ideas!

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@Cosmin_Visan there is but one conciousness dude.

And what the content of this dream displays are not of interest to me.

I want to know what conciousness is, and I have found out and that is good for me.

I still enjoy going to the gym and doing stuff, but I know that everything is imaginary and conciousness is total empty to contain everything else.

But to say that iam not awake just because om not interested in how the rules of nature works. 

The ego wants understanding and to control the dream, awakening means waking up to realize it is but a dream within infinite conciousness. 

It is a big difference.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Cosmin_Visan Pure conciousness is nothing but peace love and all knowing.

It is imaginary, but when you have awakening experiences you recognize thqt we all share the same being, why would i want to kill people then? This creation is love.

5 minutes ago, Cosmin_Visan said:

That's a dangerous thought to have. With such a thought you can start killing people and justify to yourself that they were all just concepts in your imagination. Be careful entertaining such ideas!


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Cosmin_Visan Are you complaining about threads where people confuse absolute truth with relative truth?
When absolute truth is being discussed, "consciousness is all there is" is the right answer. It brings no value to the table because it is too paradoxical for the mind to grasp and because thinking about it gets you nowhere closer to experiencing it. Experience is the point.

However, when relative truth is being discussed, it is very easy to spot a posturing non-dual smartass.
Bridging non-dual insights and everyday life is a whole trip in of itself.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Just now, Adamq8 said:

@Cosmin_Visan there is but one conciousness dude.

No. There are multiple consciousnesses. What is unique is the Self (with capital S). But all individual consciousnesses are real and have individual wills. And they interact between themselves based on rules. Just sitting on a flower field and singing "All is One, All is One, All is One" to infinity is kinda boring. Is just a very limited understanding for how reality works. Until you understand how individual consciousnesses are created and interact you cannot pretend to know what consciousness is.

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2 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

@Cosmin_Visan Pure conciousness is nothing but peace love and all knowing.

OMG... more dogma regurgitations. Hahaha. If it's all knowing, then please, tell us how to unify general relativity with quantum mechanics. Omg... you loose yourselves in those hallucinations produces by psychedelics and then you consider yourselves geniuses. =)))))))))))))))))

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7 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

And what the content of this dream displays are not of interest to me.

Yes, sure, the contents of the dream might not be interesting. I'm also not interested in the contents of the dream. But those contents are generated by rules outside of the dreams. And in those rules I AM interested. Because those are the principles on which consciousness functions. And if you pretend to know what consciousness is, then please tell us, how does consciousness generates the contents of the dream ?

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