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I grew up in a religious family and environment and I want to know how could I eliminate and detach from religion.

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I did too, and I've managed to "detach" from it, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend the route I took. Can you clarify what you mean a little when you say "detach from it"? 

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identify all your beliefs and the justifications you make

then doubt them to the death lol 

normally you have a religious doubt, you engage in confirmation bias, you look to the religion to remove your doubt and keep your belief there

This time use your doubts to doubt even further 

sometimes the voice in your head will retaliate with "what are you saying, of course your belief is correct", recognise that as a response being the result of years of conditioning and let it go

if you come up with evidence for your belief, question the evidence, is it really evidence? 


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I guess it ultimately depends on what aspects of religion or its dogma you're attached to. If you take religion as it is commonly understood, you'll see that there are so many inconsistencies in the narration/stories, that if you're serious about discovering the truth, then you'll automatically question those aspects and you should find your attachment to it to weaken and diminish over time. For me finding out about the truth (though I've not experienced it directly), was a huge relief - The truth felt complete and satisfying in itself and letting go of the dogmatic aspects of religion was very easy. 

Depending on how entwined the religion is in your social circles, expect some criticism or questioning of your view - especially from those in your social circle that are inclined towards a dogmatic interpretation of whatever scriptures they believe in. 

Edited by ishaq

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