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Could Trump actually subvert the electoral college?

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Hey guys, I am really starting to have second thoughts about the final result of the 2020 US presidential election. Some political experts like Harvard law professor Larry Lessig, political commentator Van Jones, and The Hill/Rising's Krystal Ball and Saagar Injeti have said that there is a small possibility that Trump and his campaign team could find a way to effectively persuade the state legislatures in each state (which are dominated by the Republican Party) to select another slate of electors who would vote in favor of Donald Trump. If this happens, then Trump will ultimately be successful in stealing the election. Needless to say, this would be a truly insane but possibly real scenario. What are anyone's thoughts on all of this? 

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Everything is possible, but it would cause serious issues in USA in form of civil unrest, I don't want to guess what would happen after, anything can happen, such huge events be it bad, or good in your eyes  can cause huge  problems , or huge growth depending on aftereffect. 

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Wouldn’t really surprise me. Trump will go to great lengths to not lose. He has 2 months to figure out how.

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Right now, he’s running on pure Ego (I can’t lose), fear of legal prosecution and avoiding the branding of the entire Trump family name as pure losers in the public eye.

So, you bet your ass he is trying to find a way in the most sneaky, elaborate way possible.  But such a thing would be a Hail Mary to accomplish.  You know he’s working hard as hell behind the scenes, to somehow get it done judging by the lack of public appearances, weird shuffling of officials (current firings) or even acknowledgement of the current insane COVID-19 statistics.

He needs hard evidence of voter fraud which he’s come up with nothing at all.  Courts are laughing and throwing it away like garbage.

He also has to convince Republicans that do not fuck with him anymore, to vote for him.  Most are exhausted from the demonization of the Republican Party for 4 years and secretly want his ass out.

IMHO, he’s done.  Unless something tragic were to happen.

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Hey guys, so now we now know that there is 100% chance no way for Trump to be able to legally overturn the election by way of the courts. Also, we know that every state except for Wisconsin officially certified their presidential election results and had all of their legal disputes settled before the end of the "safe harbor" deadline (December 8th). That means that Biden has now undoubtedly at least 296 electoral votes that are both pledged to him and safe from being being legally contested by anyone within the entire US Congress on January 6th, which is when they totally ratify the entire presidential election results.

However, could he actually still technically cajole or intimidate all of the GOP lawmakers, within each the battleground states Trump's been trying to contest, to pick a rival slate of electors who would award him with enough electoral votes he needs to officially win? Could this actually be Trump's very last shot of being able to legally steal the election?

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