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I attract suffering

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This week my car broke down. The next day the toilet flooded my apartment, then I saw 3 crashes on the highway and found out that my cat was abused by the previous owner, a friend that gave her to me. I could tell by observing how terrified she got when she saw him again for the first time in months.
I mean.... I have done bad things in life and all but is it even possible to stop being literally cursed?

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You are probably overthinking it, it is enough to have one thought to make life look bad and stepping on your toes , just as it can take one thought to make life look perfect.




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Thank you. I always overthink things, other people tell me this too.

“I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”

― Mark Twain

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This will sounds new agy, but the more negative thoughts you think, the more negative experience you attract.

Letting go of what happened and being optimistic will solve this feeling of being curse.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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10 minutes ago, musicalwatch said:

This is the way

I have spoken ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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You create your suffering. How is the car breaking down suffering? At best, it's an indifferent happening, the way you assign meaning to it makes it so. Do you think the Universe/ God/etc is against you and sends suffering your way? 

The cat being abused by previous owner, how have 'you' attracted that? Did you attract it to the cat, or to your life? 

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